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WW2 Era Letter written by Soldier informing his mom that he was injured in combat.

Article about: The letter reads: “Aug 22 1944, Monday Dear Mom. Well how goes everything with you all? Swell I hope. Im now in a nice little hospital as the result of a piece a shrapnel I tred to stop th

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Era Letter written by Soldier informing his mom that he was injured in combat.

    WW2 Era Letter written by Soldier informing his mom that he was injured in combat.
    The letter reads:

    “Aug 22 1944, Monday

    Dear Mom.
    Well how goes everything
    with you all? Swell I hope.
    Im now in a nice little hospital
    as the result of a piece a shrapnel
    I tred to stop the other. I guess
    It was a little to tough for me.
    I got hit in the neck below the
    chin with a piece about the size
    of the end of my thumb. It’s all
    fixed up now and healing. Its a little
    sore but it will be back to normal
    in a little while. Im hoping
    this gets home before the notice
    from the W.D does. I knew if you
    received a notice that I was hurt
    you be nauseous not hearing from
    me so if you get this first disregard
    the other and please don't wory.

    Im getting plenty a sleep now
    and its sure good after getting only
    2 to 4 hours of sleep for more than
    a month. This morning we had
    a small lunch service and it was
    really good. This afternoon we
    had a u.s.o Show which wasn’t
    too bad. All in All I have had
    a busy day and now am a little
    tired so I think Ill try for some
    sleep. So long for now,

    WW2 Era Letter written by Soldier informing his mom that he was injured in combat.

  2. #2
    MAP is online now


    Nice letter. Shows a side of the war we don't see often.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

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