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Brest 1939

Article about: Hallo, I always wonder what what was FULL text look like, that was given to a Soviet officer by an German one at Brest 1939. From the propaganda clips visible at the youtube.com you may only

  1. #1

    Default Brest 1939


    I always wonder what what was FULL text look like, that was given to a Soviet officer by an German one at Brest 1939.
    From the propaganda clips visible at the youtube.com you may only see a part of it.

    Mainly it says about a reunion of both armies. But I would really appreciate to see a full text. Well you must admit, that is very funny that Germans write the letter with big and visible letters. Shows how they thought about typical knowledge of a Soviet soldier.

    If someone out there knows how the full text look like please post it here. I will really appreciate it.

    Cheers Mario
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Brest 1939   Brest 1939  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Brest 1939

    Hi Mario, I can't help you with the full text of the treaty, but I have read alot about Heinz Guderian. He was the German general that met with the Russians at Brest. You are correct when you stated that he didn't think much of the Russians when he used large block script in the text. Guderian was always in a hurry and he stated he didn't like the Russians, didn't trust them, and wanted to get the celebration over quickly. The photo you have above is not Guderian, it must be one of his adjunts.


  4. #3

    Default Re: Brest 1939

    Hello sitges1990 Thanks for the reply. Yes that is certainly not Guderian at the shown picture. But buy the looks of those German officers it is easy to interpreted that they are not pleased with this meeting. And the Russian one looks pretty scared.

  5. #4

    Default Re: Brest 1939

    Mario, the Germans are thinking, the hell with it, we ought to drive on to Moscow, and the Russian is thinking, I hope they stop, cause there's nothing I can do if they don't.


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