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Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

Article about: Cold war soviet anti chemical defence

  1. #1

    Question Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    I realise the masks were seldomly worn and as a consequence, photos must be pretty rare. Well, I can't find many at least!
    Anyhow, I'm particularly interested in photos of Russian soldiers wearing their masks. Somehow, I think it's a long shot, but why not try?

    And if this is the wrong place for this topic, please let me know... I'm new to the forum, just getting to know the place!

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  3. #2

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Here is on funny picture from the Russian board
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  
    Attached Images Attached Images Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos? 

    my Skype: warrelics

  4. #3

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Thanks! Those are excellent! I can only begin to imagine how much that dog wants to rip off the mask...

    And the 2nd photo particularly is what I'm looking for, as I only discovered yesterday that the 'helmet type' mask was used during WW2... and I've never seen photos of it being worn. I now feel the compulsion to buy one.

    By the way, can anyone tell me what the hats the men are wearing are for?

    And keep the pictures coming!

  5. #4

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    This is not a helmet type- this is usual BN-Tch masks and the leather helmets is dispatch rider's helmet. Somewhere I have some pictures of Schm- Helmet type gasmask being worn

    my Skype: warrelics

  6. #5

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Ah, ok, thanks for the correction. I just meant the style similar to the GP-5, though I'm not familiar with the Russian WW2 mask designations yet! If you could find those pictures, that would be great thanks!

  7. #6

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    This is not a helmet type- this is usual BN-Tch masks and the leather helmets is dispatch rider's helmet. Somewhere I have some pictures of Schm- Helmet type gasmask being worn

    my Skype: warrelics

  8. #7

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Here is assorted
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Attached Images Attached Images Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos? 

    my Skype: warrelics

  9. #8

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Another soviet gasmasks
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Attached Images Attached Images Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos? 

    my Skype: warrelics

  10. #9

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Attached Images Attached Images Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos? 

    my Skype: warrelics

  11. #10

    Default re: Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?   Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  

    Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos?  
    Attached Images Attached Images Red Army Soldiers wearing gas masks: anyone have photos? 

    my Skype: warrelics

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