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Translation Summary

Article about: Hello, I would like a summary translation of these documents. I only know the man's last name: Olkhovsky. Thanks for all help John

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Translation Summary

    Hello, I would like a summary translation of these documents. I only know the man's last name: Olkhovsky. Thanks for all help

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    Mr. Nikolay Nikifor Olkhowsky, Ukrainian, born 1926, drafted to army 1943(!!! 17yrs), petty officer per 1947, mortar squad commander 544 (?) inf. rgt.,152 inf. div.
    Awarded with Medal of War Merit and Medal of Honor (both 1944), 2 Orders of Red Star (1945), Medal for Capture of Koenigsberg, Medal for Capture of Berlin and Medal for the Victory over Germany.
    True SOLDIER!

  4. #3


    I could just add that the award list attached above is for the Red Star order (#1,909,772) which he got in May 1945 for the street fights in Berlin which took place in late April 1945.

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