What are your thoughts on this sword bayonet?
* It looks like a hunting Forestry Bayonet?
* I can't make out the maker ( P. knecht)?
Thank you
What are your thoughts on this sword bayonet?
* It looks like a hunting Forestry Bayonet?
* I can't make out the maker ( P. knecht)?
Thank you
A bayonet is a bladed weapon that can be attached to a gun. I do not see any means of attachment. What makes you think this is a bayonet?
I know what a bayonet is ( typo)
I meant short sword
Well, you made that typo three times in your opening post, hence my question. Anyway, the maker is P. Knecht of Solingen and it probably dates from the second quarter of the 19th century. It is what the Germans called a Hirschfänger, a hunting or forestry hanger of a, in my view, quite basic design. These often show elaborate ornamentations on the fittings and etchings on the blade.
Hello Kilian
Thank you for your help
I really appreciate it
Peter Knecht Solingen is well known maker of Solingen and early period of 19.century, i would point it prior 1850 probably, the design is more typical for austria region. Hirschfaenger would be correct designation.
Hi AndyB
Thank you for your help
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