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Can a Brit. Commando knife be shipped to the UK from US?

Article about: I'm interested in mailing a WWII Commando Fighting knife to the UK from here in the US, but from what I could find, it is not permitted because it is a military style knife (1943) and not ov

  1. #1

    Default Can a Brit. Commando knife be shipped to the UK from US?

    I'm interested in mailing a WWII Commando Fighting knife to the UK from here in the US, but from what I could find, it is not permitted because it is a military style knife (1943) and not over 100 years old. Can someone with experience with this give me some insight? I would prefer not to risk loosing it due to it's history.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2

    Read the "What counts as an offensive weapon" you should be OK with a knife!...

  3. #3


    Quote by Gunny Hartmann View Post
    Read the "What counts as an offensive weapon" you should be OK with a knife!...
    Just read your link. Can you take a $hit in England with out a permit ? The foul smell would be considered offensive. I find it difficult to believe the prohibited weapons lists.

  4. #4


    Quote by SteveR View Post
    Just read your link. Can you take a $hit in England with out a permit ? The foul smell would be considered offensive. I find it difficult to believe the prohibited weapons lists.
    hahhahaaaa well said mate, read this for a laugh!...UK Knife Law | UK Preppers Guide

  5. #5


    Quote by Gunny Hartmann View Post
    hahhahaaaa well said mate, read this for a laugh!...UK Knife Law | UK Preppers Guide
    This has to be the goofiest $hit I have ever read. Nanny state at its finest.
    What happens if you slug a bigmouth in the jaw for being an a$$hole ?

  6. #6


    Is it legal to own and carry a photograph of a weapon?

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  7. #7


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    Is it legal to own and carry a photograph of a weapon?
    It depends on the nature of the weapon. Some (male) weapons might fall fowl of the pornography laws!

  8. #8


    Yes I have read through those, so you all understand my dilemma.
    Is there anyone with experience shipping WWII knives to the UK, that can pitch in?


  9. #9


    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    Is it legal to own and carry a photograph of a weapon?
    Not if it is a sharp photograph.

  10. #10


    Quote by HPL2008 View Post
    Not if it is a sharp photograph. has to be a Deactivated photograph.....

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

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