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Canadian Ross rifle bayonet

Article about: I just added the bayonet to my collection last week. Does anyone know what the crown with number 4 under it means?

  1. #1

    Default Canadian Ross rifle bayonet

    I just added the bayonet to my collection last week.
    Does anyone know what the crown with number 4 under it means? Canadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonetCanadian Ross rifle bayonet

  2. #2


    Slick bayonet

  3. #3


    Thank you. Picked it up off Kijiji for 120CAD.

  4. #4


    That is a nice one.
    One I have not added to my collection. Well then I would need to add the Ross rifle!!!
    You know how that goes!!
    Semper Fi

  5. #5


    I certainly do. I had already Ross rifle fighting knife before the current bayonet. There is an American marked Ross bayonet listed on fleabayCanadian Ross rifle bayonet price is good in my opinion.

  6. #6


    I certainly do. I had already Ross rifle fighting knife before the current bayonet. There is an American marked Ross bayonet listed on fleabay

  7. #7


    Crown with 4 underneath is the Ross factory inspection mark.

  8. #8


    Thank you for your reply and the information you have provided

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