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Curious trench knife. Looking for info.

Article about: Hello all. I am looking for some more information on this knife. To me, it looks as if someone put a 1906 bayonet blade on a 1918-ish handle. Am I wrong? Left side of the blade is marked SA,

  1. #1

    Question Curious trench knife. Looking for info.

    Hello all. I am looking for some more information on this knife.
    To me, it looks as if someone put a 1906 bayonet blade on a 1918-ish handle. Am I wrong?

    Left side of the blade is marked SA, with the flaming bomb underneath, and 1906 under that.
    Right side of the blade is US 4316, which, I think, is the serial number.
    The clip-point blade is single-edged, not the usual double-edged stilleto style, and comes in at just a hair under 8" long. It also has wide, deep fullers, rounded at the bottom.
    The end nut is flat, which I have not seen anywhere else. Perhaps it was ground down at some point, or were some made this way.

    I got this knife from a client of mine, years ago. He got it from his father, who was in WW2. So, really, no providence to speak of, or any more info to be had from the source as they have both passed.

    Thanks guys! I appreciate your knowledge and assistance.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Curious trench knife. Looking for info.   Curious trench knife. Looking for info.  

    Curious trench knife. Looking for info.   Curious trench knife. Looking for info.  

    Curious trench knife. Looking for info.  

  2. #2
    MAP is offline


    Welcome to the forum. A put together piece. Not period as far as I am concerned. The blade may be original but put into a repo handle.

    A few good threads to help you out

    The U.S. M1918 Mk. I Trench Knife Thread.

    M1918 Mk. I Trench Knife comparing originals to your
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  3. #3
    CBH is offline


    Definitely a ground down bayonet blade, I hope someone here can help you out more.

    I believe the spiked knuckles are the earlier form from WWI. But please wait for more opinions.

  4. #4


    Mean looking knife! However, i am in agreement with Michael and question the handle and era that this knife was put together.

    Welcome to the forum.


  5. #5


    Quote by MAP View Post
    The blade may be original but put into a repo handle.
    I agree
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  6. #6


    Greetings Indy,

    The blade is originally from a U.S. M1905 Bayonet (for the U.S. M1903 Springfield Rifle). The handle as others have adroitly pointed out is a reproduction. In this case some work to has been done to the handle to obscure the dead-giveaway bogus "U.S. M1918" markings originally cast into it, this done in an attempt to further deceive or give pause to a novice buyer. There is really no point in removing the handle's markings unless you are attempting some type of subterfuge. This is an item worthy of a Craigslist listing where you have a buyer who thinks they are getting as steal for $200.00, when in reality they are the ones being taken for a ride. In any case, this combo may be great in a bar fight, but as a collector's piece it is a non-event.

    V/r Lance

  7. #7


    Thanks guys! Slightly less cool than I thought, but still, it's functional, if nothing else. It takes a wicked edge

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