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Help with not another hooky!

Article about: hi guys I've found a guy privately selling a 1907 hooked quillion to collectors here is the pics he sent me. I'm pretty good with bayonets but the only thing that worried me a little was the

  1. #1

    Default Help with not another hooky!

    hi guys I've found a guy privately selling a 1907 hooked quillion to collectors here is the pics he sent me. I'm pretty good with bayonets but the only thing that worried me a little was the the way the E on the EFD is worn out as well as the multitude of stamping on the reverse. i have seen this before on other but just wanted some advice. the blade its self is in very good condition which is possible obi but not THAT common in ones I've seen


    P.S not the best photos in the world i realise
    Help with not another hooky!Help with not another hooky![ATTACH=CONFIG]619416[/ATTACHHelp with not another hooky!Help with not another hooky!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Help with not another hooky!  

  2. #2


    Looks fine to me. The "EFD" stamp was applied unevenly - notice that the "D" is stamped quite deeply and the "F" is just about right. A stamp being applied unevenly is quite common.

  3. #3


    It is likely not worn out, as suggested but simply weakly stamped in that particular spot. Still, it does look to have been heavily cleaned and whatever polishing method the cleaner used may not have helped much either. In any case, nothing to be overly concerned with. It's a decent bayo!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."


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