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No 4 Mk 1 Bayonet SLIGHT CURVE

Article about: Ok Folks Has anyone come across a No 4 Mk 1 Bayonet with a slight curve on the blade i have one its the second one iv seen mine is the bottom photo the other photos come from a previous post

  1. #11


    I have staighted the blade

  2. #12


    So you must have decided the curve was not wanted.

    I must say I had not paid much attention to market prices for No4’s for some time, but current price levels far exceeded my expectations. I bought my first Singer Mk2’s in Germany for around $3 each. That was back in 1977/78 or so. And I know that in the 1960’s they were even cheaper. Lots offered as tent pegs in the USA.

  3. #13


    mk 2 no 4s were 50 UK Pence when i first brought one in 1972

  4. #14


    10 years ago I was picking them up for between $10-20 Australian dollars. Now they are $60+. Good job I loaded up on them when I could. I don't know if it's world wide but there has been a massive increase across the board for bayonet prices in Australia in the past 10 years. SLR bayonets that were $150 are now $350. SMLE bayonets were $150 are now $250+.

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