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Help with engineers

Article about: Hallo forum members. I write to you with a request of help. Do you know how engineers from Red Army in II World War would mark a mine if they find one, or mark path that were clear of mines.

  1. #1

    Default Help with engineers

    Hallo forum members.

    I write to you with a request of help.

    Do you know how engineers from Red Army in II World War would mark a mine if they find one, or mark path that were clear of mines. In German Army they simply used a metal spines with red or yellow material indicating a mine.

    The Soviet equivalent were made of metal, wood or maybe there wasn't any at all, and they used simply wooden branches ?.

    Pictures showing them, links or any material I will most welcome here.

    Yours and truly Mario

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Help with engineers

    Come on guys somebody have to know this

  4. #3

    Default Re: Help with engineers

    I think that they used all that was under hand.
    The metallic pin appeared After war with plate, on which is written letter M (mines). During war I saw in frames military chronically ill persons wooden sticks with board, on which is written "ÌÈÍÛ"( mines).

  5. #4

    Default Re: Help with engineers

    were flags with "mine" in war too!

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