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PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

Article about: Amongst the bewildering range of drum magazine pouches for the PPSh-41 which seem to abound on the Net (sure they can't all be real!) I have seen one which says it was for the PPD - it resem

  1. #1

    Default PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    Amongst the bewildering range of drum magazine pouches for the PPSh-41 which seem to abound on the Net (sure they can't all be real!) I have seen one which says it was for the PPD - it resembles a PPSh pouch but has a leather trim to the edge of the flap. Might this have been used with the PPSh? I like the look of it but don't want to get a pouch which would never have been used with the PPSh - although I reckon RKKA would have used whatever they could....?

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  3. #2

    Default Re: PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    I don't believe that there a lot of fakes in the market, some postwar - yes, but all I see is originals. About 10 y.ago there one guy from St Petersburg got them in bunch- approx 50000 pcs, I saw his storage room in the wet basement, I don't know how many of them was rotten there ( I have somevhere the pictures of that stock). I bought from him approx 500 pieces, and still owe about 30 different examples. There a leather pouches which is for PPD. But some of the normally canvas pouches with D rings was dated 1940 y. I think they are the same as PPSH. Anyway the picture of your pouch will be nice to see.
    I think market is full of unsold pouches from that guy. Before that, the PPSH pouch was a extremelly rare piece ( the same as a German G-43 pouches was sold about 5 years ago for approx 2000 eur/ piece, now aftrer they was discovered in Ukrainian stocks- price approx 80 eur each)

    my Skype: warrelics

  4. #3

    Default Re: PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    Thanks for your help - 50000 is a lot of pouches! I assume that the GPW period pouches are likely to be made of coarser cloth than postwar and perhaps look generally more rough?

  5. #4

    Default Re: PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    No, they are all the different in the cloth, and postwar which was on this batch is rare bird and I saw them only dated 1953 year

    my Skype: warrelics

  6. #5

    Default Re: PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    Quote by Dimas View Post
    I don't believe that there a lot of fakes in the market, some postwar - yes, but all I see is originals. About 10 y.ago there one guy from St Petersburg got them in bunch- approx 50000 pcs, I saw his storage room in the wet basement, I don't know how many of them was rotten there ( I have somevhere the pictures of that stock). I bought from him approx 500 pieces, and still owe about 30 different examples. There a leather pouches which is for PPD. But some of the normally canvas pouches with D rings was dated 1940 y. I think they are the same as PPSH. Anyway the picture of your pouch will be nice to see.
    I think market is full of unsold pouches from that guy. Before that, the PPSH pouch was a extremelly rare piece ( the same as a German G-43 pouches was sold about 5 years ago for approx 2000 eur/ piece, now aftrer they was discovered in Ukrainian stocks- price approx 80 eur each)

    Is the guy´s name you bought the pouches from Alexei Gorbunov? I remember this guy telling me ten years ago that he took all his items from a huge warehouse in St. Petersburg.

    Regarding the pouches, I have just bought a true wartime PPSH pouch, and I have another one that is a confirmed post war specimen (bought as wartime from this man Gorbunov). As soon as my camera is repaired, I will post photos of both to show the differences between them.



  7. #6

    Default Re: PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    Quote by alysloper View Post
    T I assume that the GPW period pouches are likely to be made of coarser cloth than postwar and perhaps look generally more rough?regardsIan
    No, All PPSH pouches are fairly basic in construction and the materials vary a lot as Dimas suggests. Most mid-late war pouches and postwar pouches tend to be made out of a course and fairly heavy canvas material. Some of the better made pouches are actually the early war types with the D-ring on the reverse. Often these pouches are made from a nice, fine weave canvas.

  8. #7

    Default Re: PPD Drum mag ammo pouch

    Hi. I have one pouch that does have a lining on the flap and backside panel and has a wooden cylinder shape button. No stamps visible. I thought it was war timer but now I doubt it. Did the war time ones had a lining?

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