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44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch

Article about: Hi guys, I picked up this nice pouch/bag but it is a mystery to me. The original stitching was in dark green and most of the original stitching has been removed and many more adaptations in

  1. #1

    Default 44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch

    Hi guys,
    I picked up this nice pouch/bag but it is a mystery to me. The original stitching was in dark green and most of the original stitching has been removed and many more adaptations in the way of straps and buckles have been added with a lighter cotton.The leather sleeves on top look commercially made and Germanic. Measurements are 12" x 8" x 5" deep. It seemed to of had a partition 4.5" in from the left hand side.
    It has a handle like an officers valise. The side flaps are stiff.
    Padding has been added below the 58 pattern style belt loops so I guess it was to carry something reasonably heavy.
    The shoulder strap is a Parker Hale sling.

    Any thoughts on the original bag or the re-purposed bag ?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch   44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch  

    44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch   44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch  

    44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch   44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch  

    44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch  

  2. #2


    Strange item!

    I don't think it was issued like that, at least not in the mainstream.

    It looks to me like a very heavily modified left hand half of a pair of '58 Patt kidney pouches.

    44 pattern or 58 pattern mystery pouch

    It seems to be proffessionally done (maybe by a unit textiller in a formation workshops) and seems to be rather "special to purpose".

    Perhaps it was an official mod to create something unique for field use of an item that no ready made pouch was available for or maybe a prototype?

    It could just be someones personally designed range bag though.

    Anyone else got any thoughts?



    PS Even if it not a kidney pouch (double pouch closures rather than single and a different type does not rule this out as very early '58 patt items can be found differing in design) I don't recall ever seeing that type of belt attachment on '44 patt kit.
    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  3. #3


    It looks similar to a linesman's pouch usually worn on the lower back, yours also has a pad which is usually featured on webbing worn on the wearers back.


  4. #4
    NCA is offline


    Its a heavily modified Ancillaries bag used for the A41 wireless set.

    Question Need Information for SR A41 radio carry frame.

  5. #5


    Thanks for your answers guys, now I see it NCA, I am sure it was once the ancillaries bag.

    I just don't know what it is now, looks useful though ?!

  6. #6


    Quote by NCA View Post
    Its a heavily modified Ancillaries bag used for the A41 wireless set.

    Question Need Information for SR A41 radio carry frame.
    Bloody hell! Well spotted

    A bit bigger than a kidney pouch for sure, scale is everything in pictures I guess.

    I was a B3 signaller in the '70s (most reluctant one I must say ) and used the A41 before the Clansman series was introduced but I admit I just did not recognise it. What did we do before the internet gave us such a forum as this?


    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  7. #7
    NCA is offline


    Sad isn't it?! It was the drain holes on the bottom and the holes where that buttoned loop was once was sewn on(now removed)

    and the fact I was messing around with one earlier.

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