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Is this a backpack?

Article about: The first "bag is a 1910" haversack as stated. It was the main issued pack for the US infantry during WWI just as the m1928 haversack was the main issued pack for WWII. They differ

  1. #1

    Default Is this a backpack?

    Is this a backpack?Is this a backpack?Is this a backpack?Is this a backpack?Is this a backpack?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    Yes - nice condition WWI dated backpack.........


  3. #3

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    I believe the official term is "haversack"... I was trying to find a WWII dated example for the display I'm putting together. I was told that many soldiers got rid of them because of difficult they are to pack/ how clumsy they are to wear.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    I have a mint WWII example. Joe, is a 'haversack' the same as a 'musette'.........?


  5. #5

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    It's confusing, Steve... I believe a "musette" bag could be worn over the shoulder... kind of lake a man purse... or it could be strapped to the combat suspenders like a backpack. In many cases the haversack was ditched in favor of a musette bag based on ease of use.

  6. #6
    NCA is offline

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    I believe 'musette' is French for 'bag'.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    What JM posted is a haversack...

    This is the musette bag:
    Is this a backpack?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    Here they both are being worn as "backpacks"

    Is this a backpack?Is this a backpack?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    I suppose the two terms get mixed up. The first one posted by JMStevens
    is the 'M10' Haversack.

    Joe, Would you believe I found an unissued musette bag
    at a thrift store for $1.........?


  10. #10

    Default Re: Is this a backpack?

    Quote by Walkwolf View Post
    I suppose the two terms get mixed up. The first one posted by JMStevens
    is the 'M10' Haversack.

    Joe, Would you believe I found an unissued musette bag
    at a thrift store for $1.........?
    You're exactly right, Steve. U.S. web gear is in general a confusing topic.

    I wish I could find one for $1... I just checked ebay and the best I can find is $85

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