Just a heads-up here. Someone else recommended this little book a while back and it's just (2021) been reprinted by Crowood Press - Martin J Brayley 'British Web Equipment Of The Two World Wars' , #32 in the Europa Miltaria series ( ISBN 978-1-86126-743-6 ).

Brayley's British Web Equipment reprinted.

It's only 64pp but it's cheap ( £10.95 ). As the author states : ' A thorough study of the web equipment used by the Commonwealth Forces in WWII would easily fill several volumes the size of this book'. It's more a primer of the '08, '37 and '44 Pattern equipment, but has good colour photos and a lot of information which I've found useful. It's certainly helped make sense of my own, rather muddled collection.

A gap in the market still exists.....

( Usual disclaimers - I have no connection to author or publisher ).