can you identify this??
can you identify this??
any help?they told me ww2 M1 garand case.But i dont think that this is.
an off the wall guess, either a para drop case, or maybe a mounted type case, like in a jeep, tank , or something or really strecthing it a calvary case. just guessing.
Yes, I believe that is an M1 Carbine Paratroopers models, with the folding stock.
Looks more like a commercial case for a 1903 Springfield
Carbine and Garand cases had a canvas reinforcement covering the charging handle area. Seems it poked through on many.
Some were made to be thrown away, and some were issued to the soldier, and it would have been used over, and over again.
That's why the leather, to keep the webbing from rubbing through.
Yep that what it is. The strap is one of the slings used for Garands and Late springfields.
The cases which had the reinforcement were the drag cases used to transport sniper weapons or drop shorter carbines. This is more commercial. Check Cabelas for their higher end cloth cases.
I could be wrong though. Its happened before. However I was mistaken. LOL
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