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Help with current Australian army dog tags please

Article about: Got a question regarding current Australian army dog tags , If the person has no religion, what is shown on the tag? Nil? Left blank? As far as I know the 5 lines of text show , ------------

  1. #1

    Default Help with current Australian army dog tags please

    Got a question regarding current Australian army dog tags ,

    If the person has no religion, what is shown on the tag?

    Left blank?

    As far as I know the 5 lines of text show ,
    Initial surname
    Blood type

    Look forward to your reply ,

    Pic below of sample

    Help with current Australian army dog tags please

  2. #2


    My old ones here in my hand read:

    LAST NAME. XX for my initials
    UC (Uniting Church) ( No Religion I have seen as NR and No Rel.)
    O POS (For blood group)

    Hope this helps, mine are from the 80s

  3. #3


    "N REL" is the usual code

  4. #4


    Thanks guys , much appreciated

  5. #5


    Here's the tags I wore, and still wear.....

    One of the tags is un official, wore them in Timor and Iraq...

    The service numbers are different as they changed to system and gave us new numbers

    This is what happens when your on guard duty late at night with access to the dog tag stamping machine!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Help with current Australian army dog tags please   Help with current Australian army dog tags please  

  6. #6


    Classic !

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