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Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

Article about: I had two really ratty WWII rations and decided to jazz them up a bit. The C rat was rusted and had a large dent in it and the K rat was badly damaged on the outer, wax covered box. But amaz

  1. #1

    Default Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

    I had two really ratty WWII rations and decided to jazz them up a bit. The C rat was rusted and had a large dent in it and the K rat was badly damaged on the outer, wax covered box. But amazingly the contents were in perfect shape. So I made, clear plastic, outers for the rations so you could see the contents easily and they would be protected. I even put the appropriate markings on them. I hope you like the results. BTW. They get a lot of attention when I set up my militaria display at shows.

    Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

    This is very nice.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

    Very nice display !

    Kind regards

  4. #4

    Default Re: Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

    That is awesome. I like that alot.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Let me makes these two WWII rations perfectly clear. A clear packaged C and K ration showing contents.

    Good idea, and a great way to display them instead of beat-up rusty containers.........!


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