Marine gear and questions begetting more questions...
Article about: Hey guys, here is some of my USMC gear...not much as I do not really collect Corps related things, but you come across them. Two different covers, one really used hard, and one unit marked,
Marine gear and questions begetting more questions...
Hey guys, here is some of my USMC gear...not much as I do not really collect Corps related things, but you come across them. Two different covers, one really used hard, and one unit marked, but the e-tool covers I have questions on. They have the "marine" style hanger clips, but have varied stencils on them. The one with the first aid pouch has a 424 (with no squares, semi-circles...) on both sides, while the twins have S1 and 35... Operations shop and ...35. S-1 is used in the Army, but the Marines? Not sure. Marine style wire clips...used in manufacture of Army gear, or made by an Army supplier for a Marine shipment....forgetting to leave the US off? Brings to mind a line from a Zappa song.."questions, questions, flooding the concerned minds of today's young people..." don't ask why, it just did....
Anyhow, anyone care to venture a guess? And, do USMC canteen covers ever have markings? Did marines use enameled canteens?
A topic for just about everyone. Thanks for any answers
Re: Marine gear and questions begetting more questions...
Hello Michel,
those are very intersting items :
> the second canteen cover is UNIS marked, the 521 in the semi-circle indicating 25th Rgt 4th Mardiv,
> the first shovel cover is standard issue, US army type, but those were used by the USMC and the stamps with the Marine's name seem to confirm the owner was a Marine ... the 424 could also be a UNIS marking
> considering the two last covers, they are generally considered a late pattern of USMC manufacture, by the Phila Depot or a contractor ... what seems odd is that as usual, they have a dull US stamp, probably added postwar for better added value, but they have been used and marked ... perhaps civilian use, scoots ??
Re: Marine gear and questions begetting more questions...
While on USMC stuff, I have two pairs of "boondockers", a size 8.5 and 13 or 14. Here is one of the 8.5s...why was out and I had the camera...ADD moment. This pair if interesting, as thy were issued, but not used. The Marines name, CC or QC Cross, is stenciled in but no wear is on the soles, no breaks in the instep, just plain nice boots. Perhaps he was deployed and they were in a seabag, or a washout from bootcamp. Who knows. Made by Herman Shoe, which still makes military footwear. 1943.
Re: Marine gear and questions begetting more questions...
by MottlakeSOT
While on USMC stuff, I have two pairs of "boondockers", a size 8.5 and 13 or 14. Here is one of the 8.5s...why was out and I had the camera...ADD moment. This pair if interesting, as thy were issued, but not used. The Marines name, CC or QC Cross, is stenciled in but no wear is on the soles, no breaks in the instep, just plain nice boots. Perhaps he was deployed and they were in a seabag, or a washout from bootcamp. Who knows. Made by Herman Shoe, which still makes military footwear. 1943.