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Some sort of U.S Gas Protection Thing! Need Help With Identification!

Article about: I Bought this at a flea market for \\$1 and saw that it involved protection of blister gasses. I need somebody's help with explaining to me what exactly is this. Thanks Ryan

  1. #1

    Default Some sort of U.S Gas Protection Thing! Need Help With Identification!

    I Bought this at a flea market for $1 and saw that it involved protection of blister gasses. I need somebody's help with explaining to me what exactly is this.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Some sort of U.S Gas Protection Thing! Need Help With Identification!   Some sort of U.S Gas Protection Thing! Need Help With Identification!  

  2. #2
    NCA is offline

    Default Re: Some sort of U.S Gas Protection Thing! Need Help With Identification!

    It is basically a large plastic sheet designed to be worn over the soldier and his web gear to protect from airborne chemicals.I think the whole thing is see-through or if not just a panel where the face is.
    I have in my collection but it hasnt been opened.
    Shame i dont have a scanner as i have an advert for these that shows it in use.

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