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trying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 dated

Article about: Hi all picked up this old chute and chute bag dated 1940 it has Air ministry marks with kings crown on the canopy .The bag appears to be of the chest type I did pay a bit for this item but d

  1. #1

    Default trying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 dated

    Hi all picked up this old chute and chute bag dated 1940 it has Air ministry marks with kings crown on the canopy .The bag appears to be of the chest type I did pay a bit for this item but don't think I'll come across another for awhile . I'm wondering what type of chute it is . early X type or pre Xtype ? air crew ? any help would be greatly appreciated .
    cheers matty
    any info would be great . trying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 datedtrying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 datedtrying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 datedtrying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 dated

  2. #2


    Hi the British Paras didnt use a reserve on their rig in ww2 so maybe RAF used or could have be a postwar reserve bag with 1940s parachute inside ?

  3. #3


    So this is a reserve bag then ? Sorry I have no idea whats so ever . whats the difference between a reserve bag and a normal one ?

  4. #4


    picture of the reverse of the bag . don't know why this picture did not show up.
    trying to identify this old chute and chute bag 1940 dated

  5. #5


    From the new photos you have posted it doesnt look now to be a reserve bag as the reserve bags normally have 2 clips on the rear for fixing to the rig .its a odd one for sure only other thing i can think of is maybe from a container or used on a load that is parachuted ? sorry cant be anymore help

  6. #6


    thanks mate I appreciate it . any help is good help

  7. #7


    these 1940 dated canopy's can't be to common I'v not come across one every chute canopy I'v come across in the flesh beside a museum is post war . I happy with it regardless weather the bag is post of war time . war time would be better of coarse .

  8. #8


    I spent hours researching it on the net and found nothing . similar but nothing exactly the same .

  9. #9


    Looking at this again it must be a container chute as there looks to be no pull handle to open the chute

  10. #10


    there was a rip cord if you look at the front picture of the bag on the right hand side near the clip there is some material looks like this could have been were the rip cord was ? the guy I got it off said it was a chest type ? But I just took the gamble

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