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US field sewing kit?

Article about: Guys, Although the thread is German I think this is US as the sciccors are american marked? Jock

  1. #1

    Default US field sewing kit?


    Although the thread is German I think this is US as the sciccors are american marked?

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture US field sewing kit?   US field sewing kit?  

  2. #2
    ILH is offline

    Default Re: US field sewing kit?

    'Housewives' can be very hard to ID properly, particularly if also used after the war (like my grandmums one from the ATS- only the scissors and roll were period- everything else had been replaced).

    I can't give you anything concrete, but I would suggest your geuss is correct..... the cloth roll looks about right, in weight and colour, for US types.


  3. #3

    Default Re: US field sewing kit?

    I would agree with Jim. It looks American to me too.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #4

    Default Re: US field sewing kit?

    Yes it is US made.I have one that that is quite similar in style but has a long swallow tail type manufacturers tag on the inside. The tag reads "Style King" and was made in Chicago. The material is a waterproof type. Does this one have that same type of feel to it?

  5. #5

    Default Re: US field sewing kit?

    I have the same one but is was use for a first aid kit.
    Quote by Adrian Stevenson View Post
    I would agree with Jim. It looks American to me too.

    Cheers, Ade.

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