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US Gas mask ID??

Article about: I just have this one picture of a gas mask at a antique mall. Based on this, does anyone have any idea what this is. I saw a date of 1942 on a canister and bag that came with the mask.

  1. #1

    Default US Gas mask ID??

    I just have this one picture of a gas mask at a antique mall. Based on this, does anyone have any idea what this is. I saw a date of 1942 on a canister and bag that came with the mask.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture US Gas mask ID??  

  2. #2

    Default Re: US Gas mask ID??

    First of all its not a US mask, its more than likely the Canadian C1 version of the British MkV/MkIV General Service Respirator. If you could get pictures of the markings on the facepiece it would make indentification a lot easier.



  3. #3

    Default Re: US Gas mask ID??

    Thanks Danny, I believe you nailed it. I looked up pics online of the C1 mask and they looked like a perfect match. I am still going to try and go back to the store sometime this week to see If I can get better pics of the mask and cannister to confirm.

    Great to have access to people with knowledge. It really helps us newbie collectors learn before we buy. Thanks again!


  4. #4

    Default Re: US Gas mask ID??

    I'm looking forward to seeing some more pictures and I'm glad to have been some help



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