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antique shop dog tag

Article about: Hi all i am new here and was wondering two things can anybody tell me if this is a fake and If not what do the markings translate to any Help is appreciated thanks in advance

  1. #1

    Default antique shop dog tag

    Hi all i am new here and was wondering two things can anybody tell me if this is a fake and
    If not what do the markings translate to any
    Help is appreciated thanks in advanceantique shop dog tag

  2. # ADS

  3. #2


    That is not a good tag.

    FRW would be "Freiwilliger", DIV "Division" FZ I do not know KP "Kompany" but the way that tag is laid out it does not make sense.

  4. #3


    Goota say fake here too, just alot of abbreviations that don't make sense.

  5. #4


    It's rubbish.

  6. #5


    Well i thank you all for the opinions i guessi should just be glad i didnt pay out the butt for it i had a suspicion it was fake but thought cor the price why not

  7. #6


    Quote by Eike41 View Post
    That is not a good tag.

    FRW would be "Freiwilliger", DIV "Division" FZ I do not know KP "Kompany" but the way that tag is laid out it does not make sense.
    FZ = Füsilier, so all together come from: Divisions-Füsilier-Kompanie but the digits don't fit to any Füsilier-Bataillon (if I see correctly 2/8).

  8. #7


    This disk appears to be marked 278 not 2/8 so it could be from the 278th infantry division as it was in Italy 1945:

    278th Infantry Division:
    1/,2/992nd Grenadier Regiment
    1/,2/993rd Grenadier Regiment1
    1/,2/994th Grenadier Regiment
    278th Divisional Fusilier Battalion
    1/,2/,3/278th Artillery Regiment
    278th Engineer Battalion
    278th Panzerjäger Battalion
    278th Signals Battalion
    278th Division (Einheiten) Service Units

    It should be marked battalion not KP, but it makes more sense.


  9. #8


    I was really blind looking at this ID tag It has nothing to do with Füsilier. It comes from Divisions-Feldzeug-Kompanie 278
    Last edited by Stacez; 02-08-2015 at 08:48 AM.

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