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1918 Nov 11th Poster, not what it appears to be,

Article about: Armistice with Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  1. #1

    Default 1918 Nov 11th Poster, not what it appears to be,

    Here is a very interesting poster, it declares the war is over, and a gathering giving Thanks is Ordered.
    However on a closer look you can see that the date of printing is Nov 9th.
    How did a small town in Ontario Canada know the War would end on the 11th??
    They didn't, after doing some research, I found that the Kaiser stepped down on the 9th, so the Mayor relized that the War WOULD end and called for this Giving of Thanks on the 11th. Just a fluke he picked Nov 11th, and he was only off by 2 hours Ontario time as they are 1918 Nov 11th Poster, not what it appears to be,1918 Nov 11th Poster, not what it appears to be,1918 Nov 11th Poster, not what it appears to be,5 hours behind..or perhaps not with the 2X day light savings time used during the War.

    Dean O.
    Ajax Canada

  2. #2


    that's interesting.

  3. #3


    Talk about luck! Very interesting piece of history you have there, probably the only one in existence?

  4. #4


    I doubt it's "the only one in existence", as proposed above --- seems to be a full page newspaper ad, and not a poster per se... cool piece either way though!

  5. #5


    Also it was known in advance that the war would end on that day, as far as I am aware. The Austro Hungarians signed on the 3rd Nov and as you mention the Overthrow of the Kaiser took place following a revolution and and the forming of a Republic on the 9th Nov whilst the Armistice with Germany was signed at 5am on the 11th Nov.

    A shame that the killing continued right up until the eleventh hour.

    A very rare historical document.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  6. #6


    The book "11th Month, 11th Day, 11th Hour: Armistice Day 1918" by Joseph Persico is about this very subject-a very good read and recommended!

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  7. #7


    Jerry, this is an interesting subject, some claimed to have known when the war would end, others found out the morning of the 11Th
    I will find a copy of the book recommended by Wagriff

    Lawrence Price of the 28th Battn CEF is considered the last Soldier Killed by a Bullet at 10.58 am on the 11th
    It is also interesting to note that the French back dated any of their soldiers Killed on the 11th to the 10th

    Dean O.

  8. #8


    There was a very good documentary on the TV here in the last year or so that recounted all the actions that took place on the last day and the Americans in particular fought aggressively right up to the 11th hour. It is said that many artillery units fired off all their ammunition stocks on the last day and in one instance if I remember correctly one town was assaulted to allow its commanders to have good billets with baths.

    Complete and utter lunacy IMHO.


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  9. #9


    Yes Crazy!!! The Canadians took Mons on the 11th Day,

    Dean O.

  10. #10

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