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Ardrian camo helmet

Article about: Hi everyone, I always understood that the French Army regulations didn't allow camo on their Adrian helmets. Exception of course the sand colored Colonial helmets. Now I came across this Mim

  1. #1

    Default Ardrian camo helmet

    Hi everyone,

    I always understood that the French Army regulations didn't allow camo on their Adrian helmets. Exception of course the sand colored Colonial helmets. Now I came across this Mimikri painted helmet. I learned that in some cases snipers would use camo at the western front.

    What do you think of this one. Real or fantasy. I mean that the chances of friendly fire would increase if this Imperial German camo was used by the French.

    Let me know your opinions.

    Cheers Paul

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

    Ardrian camo helmet

  2. #2
    MAP is offline


    Never seen a camo Adrian myself. Someone I trust on Adrian helmets would be Frednizza over at GHW. He might be able to help.
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  3. #3


    It certainly looks to have been there a long time.
    As you say, a foolhardy thing to dress yourself up as the enemy!
    I hope it proves to be a genuine thing…
    Fantastic! I love it.

  4. #4


    I'm afraid I passed on this one. I though it was to tricky.

    Thx all for your input.

    Cheers Paul

  5. #5


    Probably wise…
    Had it been peanuts, it would have been worth the chance, but I doubt it was (peanuts, that is)!

  6. #6


    Why think that its a French worn helmet, copying the enemy camouflage? What if it is actually a German worn (and painted) captured French helmet? Of course we will never know though!


  7. #7


    Quote by Kohima View Post
    Probably wise…
    Had it been peanuts, it would have been worth the chance, but I doubt it was (peanuts, that is)!
    I don't know for how much it went. It disappeared from the list. Probably an offer the seller couldn't resist.

  8. #8


    For a German soldier to wear a distinctively French helmet would be equally foolish…
    Either way makes little sense.

  9. #9


    Not everybody is aware that the French did an intensive research work on camouflage during WWI. They even were at the origin of (one of ?) the very first camo tunic wich of course... wasn't adopted (I have a pic of it somewhere, but can't find it right away).
    I wasn't aware that the french regulations officially forbid camouflage on helmets, except for mud and later cloth covers, that could both make head wounds much worse. A lot of different paints were used to deal with the too visible factory horizon blue color, including matte grey used for artillery guns.

    One can't deny that true camouflaged Adrians are not to be seen every day, but they existed. I unfortunately don't have several examples to show, but here's one below anyway : this one also shows some points in common with its german counterpart.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Ardrian camo helmet  

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