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WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

Article about: I think prices will definitely increase due to 2 factors the GFC will most likely have run its course and people will be more likely to open their wallets again and the 100 year anniversary.

  1. #1

    Exclamation WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    Ok I've been considering this for a time now, and it's indirect/direct affects on the collecting market.

    With the advent of the 100th Anniversary of WW1 looming in just a few years, I would like to see the predictions of the members of the expected price escalation where WW1 militaria is concerned.

    Within the 18 months or so run up to 2014 the media will start to ramp up with various documentries and stories of the war, and thus ramp up the general publics interest ... and thus hype militaria prices !

    So !!! what are your predictions as to what items will increase in value, .. and by how much !!

    (It will be interesting to look back in 5 years and see how right or wrong the predicted increases are !!).

    Medals !

    I will kick off with WW1 British medals ... (singles to be exact ! ... the ones that have always been overlooked because of being split from either their pairs or triples).

    At present .. singles are fetching between about £15 to £40 depending on whether their a casualty or specific regiment ..

    My guess is these are going to at least double in the next 5 years ..


    Gary J.

  2. #2

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    I think a price hike is almost certain. I must admit my interest in WW1 has gone up in recent months because of the research I have done (and being able to do it due to records being open in the archives) on the few items I own.

    How much is a very good question? I don't think your estimate will be far wrong. I will go for a 75% increase.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    I'd agree with Gary. With British medals ("British" defined broadly), my main area of collecting focus, the trend is already clear. WWI trios and pairs have risen substantiannl over the last few years and I know that an awareness of teh impending centennial is a good part of that. Gallantry groups have shown similar upward trenmds, as have even single medals.

    However, the global depression distorts this pattern. Were it not for this, I'd go with Gary's ". . . double in the next 5 years . . ." prediction. Under the present circumstances, which will still be around by 2014, I fear, I take Ade's 75% as pretty close.

    In any case, there will be considerable public interest then.

  4. #4

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    I have to go with Ade in that I doubt prices will double on WWI stuff in the next few years. Also, there will always be great deals out there-one just has to be lucky, know where to look and who to buy from. Case in point-I got lucky on a whim and called a dealer from who I have dealt with for many years now. I noticed three items of particular interest for sale-three WWII medals and badges for a total of $125.00 USD. The items were, a minty and hollowback General Assault Badge, a minty Russian Front Medal and a very nice War Merit Cross w/ Swords 2nd Cl. I hadn't planned on spending that money because I was saving up to buy a vet pick-up and minty Feldgendarmerie Gorget I was looking at. Well, I couldn't refuse these three items because of thier conditions and prices.

  5. #5

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    Being a teenager when the US civil war centenial came about it really didn't affect prices that much. It took another 10 years for prices to start on their metoric rise.
    Damn I am getting old.

  6. #6

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    Gary , what a very interesting thread - and something i hadn`t contemplated , thanks for the heads up , i`ll be looking at the cost of future purchases in a different light , and try to get topped up before the centenery !! 50% sounds good to me !

    cheers Al

  7. #7

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    Thanks for the reply ...

    As ever, with military items, I think we all look for something decent to collect, .. but how many times have "we" started out, and within a short period of time, that field suddenly dries up, and prices increase .. killing the enjoyment of hunting down items, and building up a personal collection that is pleasing to see grow.

    I for one, have taken many years of being a "one field collector", and after some thought, came to the conclusion that I have stifled my interest through "tunnel vision".

    Again, drawing on what I have already mentioned ... WW1 single medals ...
    They have always been passed by, either because of their seemingless numbers, or the fact of being split.
    What better field I thought !! .. the scope is still there, the medals still readily available, the prices good !
    .. Even if the split medals in most peoples eyes still hold little collecting interest, .. bare in mind that they are approaching the 100 year mark, and were the last line of medals that were fully marked up to the serviceman.

    To me, starting out with this in mind, has been refreshing. Within a few months, I have managed to group together approximately 30 medals to one specific Regiment of the line.
    .. Now looking at what I have gathered, is pleasing, and has given me renewed interest in searching out additions at Military fairs .. as well as antique fairs etc .. where there are always WW1 medals on sale ..

    All round, I think for anybody who collects Militaria, who feels their hobby has dried up, .... just pick a regiment at random, .. watch for a time the auctions to gauge the availability, .. then make a small investment and in a short time, see how the interest comes back to you ..

    Give it a shot .... you can't loose if you start now !


    Gary J.

    Quote by ALLERBERGER View Post
    Gary , what a very interesting thread - and something i hadn`t contemplated , thanks for the heads up , i`ll be looking at the cost of future purchases in a different light , and try to get topped up before the centenery !! 50% sounds good to me !

    cheers Al

  8. #8

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    Great comments Gary . I like to collect across the board , a little bit of everything so to speak . If i see something i fancy ........ They say a little of what you fancy does you good

    cheers Al

  9. #9

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    One thing im starting to do is to just collect some of the more cheaper awards-like Wound Badges, General Assault Badges, and War Merit Crosses w/swords 2nd class. East Front Medals too when I can find one priced decently.

    Just yesterday I managed to snare a nice GAB which is or is not made be Assmann. Reason for doubt is because the place im getting this from has pics of an Assmann marked badge on their site-but not sure if that's the one im going to be recieving in about 5 days? I also picked up my 3rd WMC w/swords 2nd-and about 10 more photos.

  10. #10

    Default Re: WW1 100th Anniversary - Price affect on Militaria

    Regarding US militaria:

    Sadly, WWI militaria has not enjoyed the high profile following of collectors on the scale that WWII has in general (the exception being in the wing department). The size of the fighting force differences between the two wars were vastly different and the period of time in theaters were at opposite ends of the scale as well. For this reason, there is much less WWI material out there; I think the difficulty in finding quality items has deterred many from focusing on this war. In addition, I think a lot of collectors view WWI as a European war too far removed. I could go on but as to not be long-winded, I will say that WWI items in general will enjoy a very short-lived increase in price of 50% after which they will stabilize back to the "going rate" of the time.
    [B][COLOR=Black][SIZE=3][FONT=Book Antiqua][I] Steve[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

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