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Award Doc Names

Article about: Can someone help me with these three names? The typed one is easy, but the second one seems to be a slightly different spelling (?) and the third one is the last name the same but the first

  1. #1

    Default Award Doc Names

    Can someone help me with these three names? The typed one is easy, but the second one seems to be a slightly different spelling (?) and the third one is the last name the same but the first and middle names different? I suspect maybe a family member, or spouse, they came in the same group of items.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

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  3. #2


    1) "Livshitz Rahil Samoilovna / Rahil Samuilovna" - first and second - it's feminine documents ( "Рахиль" - "Rahil" - traditional jewish feminine name). In both documents - the same middlename. In the second document middlename was written misspelled, ungrammatical. In any case, this two middlename - absolutely the same.

    2) Third document - "Livshitz Vladimir Lvovich" (major of medical service) - perhaps, Rahil husband.

    Names, middlenames and surnames in all documents - are traditional Jewish.

  4. #3


    Nothing to add, masel tov.

  5. #4


    I think yes

  6. #5


    Can someone confirm the Cyrillic for the last (third) one? I"m trying to match these names with other documents. I'll report back what I find.

    Лившиц Владимир Львович ?

  7. #6


    also the last name is spelled differently in the first document?
    Лившиц vs ЛИФШИЦ ?

    Some very simple investigation suggests that perhaps it is the following two people?

    I have ONE award bar which includes a 1) combat services 2) Defense of the Caucasus and 3) victory over Germany (plus some veteran awards).

    But the female name has two options (both medical). Which one seems likely if either?

    But the male name doesn't come up with a combat services award but both female ones do.... I'm guessing it might be 'hers'

  8. #7


    I don't think it's either, although both are medical, one a Medic, 3rd Rank, the other possibly a physician. The two entries listed above are Rachel Pavlovich Livshits (Рахиль Павловиа Лившиц) and Rachel Moiseevna Livshits (Рахиль Моисеевна Лившиц). Misspellings are common place, especially with non-Russian names, which were written/transcribed phonetically. The transcription/translation of Azeri, Uzbek, & Georgian names is a lost art, but I digress.

    In the first image, post #1, her name is Rachel (literally Rakhil') Samoilovna Lifshitz (Рахиль Самойловна Лифшиц), and no results were found on Podvig Naroda.

    In the second image, Rachel (again, literallt Rakhil') Samuilovna Livshits (Рахиль Самуйловиа Лившиц), and again, no results were found on Podvig Naroda.

    Both are close enough for government work, at least phonetically.

    In the third image the name is Major Vladimir L'vovich Livshits, and your image in the above post reflects, in my opinion, the correct entries for the Major, although listed as a Lieutenant. The Combat Service Medal, if unnumbered, may be a long-service awarding, and therefore not listed in the archive, Podvig Naroda.

  9. #8


    Just as an FYI, the combat services medal is numbered......1,3##,### which is why I thought that it might be 'hers'. The dates of awarding of at least one of the two names seems reasonable?
    But who knows.....How about this angle/question. The names I showed are for veteran awards from the 60s...perhaps this is her married name but married after the war? Maybe one of these people?

  10. #9


    A cursory review of documents in the archive would seem to indicate no, none of them are.

  11. #10


    Quote by Bill Garvy View Post
    A cursory review of documents in the archive would seem to indicate no, none of them are.
    Thanks.....I wish I had the requisite skills to perform this research at a reasonable level.
    Your input is most appreciated.

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