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What country

Article about: Brodie style helmet with odd liner.

  1. #1

    Default What country

    Brodie style helmet with odd liner.
    Attached Images Attached Images What country  What country 

  2. #2


    I would say a US civil defense helmet.


    What countryWhat country[ATTACH=CONFIG]1417720

  3. #3


    We really shouldn’t respond without a please and thank you..

  4. #4


    Nah. He's from NYC, and that is pretty much the norm there. I'm pretty certain that no offense was intended on his part.

  5. #5


    don't read into what is not there and don't take it personally.

  6. #6


    Well to be honest I will only answer a question that is more than a monosyllabic grunt (OK country does have two syllables but you know what I mean) and is properly formulated with a degree of civility and is , oh yeah actually a question (? see punctuation) with allowances being made for language issues. Our poster here does appear to live in an English speaking environment.

    Is he asking a question or making a statement "What country!" or perhaps showing his pride and joy for the amazement and delectation.

    No, a forum is an exchange of information and a place to offer views and news. That is to say it is a two way process. Even just saying "This is what I have / am thinking of buying and I have no idea what it is etc is more like a human interaction than just an entitled dip into the public library.
    We are supposed to be a group of like minded individuals co-operating to mutual benefit.

    Text speak and teenage jargon in which it is too much trouble to form a coherent sentence may be the way ahead but somehow I doubt it. Other fora might be happy with it but I hope we don't go that way here. I'm sorry if this sounds like a rant but a post like the one at the top of this thread holds no interest for me regardless of the item displayed and has no motivation to make me want to impart whatever knowledge I might have.

    Oh, I nearly forgot, manners maketh man. Unlike many situations where intent is important, in this regard intent is not so relevant as is ignorance.

    We seem to be getting more of this lately and if it goes too far those of us who still remain lucid enough to be able to hold a conversation online or heaven forfend, face to face might begin to get disillusioned and give up. Where then would one ask "What country"

    "All in the best possible taste" (As Kenny Everett used to say)

    "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing he cares more about than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature with no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."

  7. #7


    Gents lets wait for Denfly to reply first.
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  8. #8


    ..it’s usually Members who raise the issue of “please” and “thank you”.

  9. #9


    Sorry to those offended with my rather blunt writing but as you may have noticed on what's going on here in NYC, I had minimal time to type out what I could because my app kept screwing up and tried 3 time's until I was finally able to text although brief , my question regarding the item. Between the covid 19 and protests going on has been keeping me quite busy and at times, on the edge but trying to rise above it. Again my apologies for the brief text. Just trying to get as much info out in what little time I have and this lousy app I have that appears to work in limited area's. Thanks for any help you can provide and for understanding my current situation.

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