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Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

Article about: Rob, As far as the second Silver Star goes it may be that he or someone else in the family sent for and received a 2nd Silver Star Medal. The govt. will reissue and send replacements when re

  1. #1

    Default Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    Hello, I am just wondering what might be offered for some old family war items. Details and photos follow below-note that some of the stuff isnt listed cause Im not sure what its called--like various pins/etc.

    Anywho-any help on these items would be greatly appreciated! Cheers! Pictures in no order--

    (2)WWII Medal (back)-"Freedom From Fear And Want" "Freedom of Speech and Religon" 1941-45
    (2)Asiatic pacific Campaign (Back)-"USA" 1941-45
    (2)American Campaign (Back)-"USA" 1941-45
    (1)European African Middle Eastern Campaign (back)-"USA" 1941-45
    (1)Faithful Serivce-USNR
    (1)Navy Athletic Association
    Back-Tri-Annual 2nd place 880 yard dash C.F.Braught'31
    (2) Silver Star Medals
    -1 has org. US registered Package papers on outer box, with the second Silver Star not having an outer paper(s) attached.
    -Paper of medal issued by, what for, is included.

    -Lieut. Charles f. Braught t-8/43 USNR A

    -New Testament-PSALMS American Standard Version
    Presented to C.F.Braught upon his graduation at the USNA, Annapolis, MD May24,1931
    by The American Seamens Friend Society trustees of a special fund contributed by friends who greatly desire to promote the happiness and spiritual welfare of the young officers of the USN

    Old Card--Word or two might be off below--
    Domain Of Neptunus Rex
    Know ye, that Charles F. Braught on the 31 day of Marh, 1944 aboard the USS Canfield, latitude 00-00 longtitude 170'52.3 E appeared into Our Royal Domain and having been inspected and found worthy by My Royal Staff, was initiated into the "Solemn Mysteries of the Ancient Order of the Deep" I command my subjects to honor and respect the BLANK of this certificate as One of Our Trusty Shellbacks.
    Signed and printed by those below-
    Davy Jones (His Royal Scribe) Neptunnus Rex (Ruler of the Ragging Main)

    Among the other items in the photos are his buttons from his Annapolis and Commanders jacket due to the jacket itself being ruined. His cuff links, few different sets of his rank, and just some other odds/ends that went with his uniform.

    Thanks for looking into it all, please let me know what you guys think,


    Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWIIBallparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII


    I'll try this post again.

    Yes, that grouping has some value. At least $2000.00 If the Silver Star citation was the original and not a copy I would put a higher value on it. Is it for sale or are you just looking for a value?


  3. #3

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    I dont know much about the U.S, medals but what is the medal for, ie, freedom from fear and want, freedom of speech and religion, Just asking.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    Quote by Panzer 3 View Post
    I dont know much about the U.S, medals but what is the medal for, ie, freedom from fear and want, freedom of speech and religion, Just asking.
    well Dave, on that one I'm not sure, but if the U.S. Navy was like it was when I was in, well to get a medal, or even just a ribbon, you almost have to kill a whole army , or sink an enemy ship to get one, the shellback thing is a game everyone plays, if you know what it is, it just means you crossed the Equator, but to get 2 silver stars in the navy is quite a feat, really after 6 years in the navy. I had 3 ribbons & 1 medal. I only got 1 ribbon & the medal because I was in Lebanon, when they killed our Marines in 1983. now in the U.S. Army they give medals away all day, when we got back from Iraq in 91, every nco in my whole battalion got a bronze star??? why I don't know, they didn't do anything but almost got us killed in an ambush & keep us lost the whole time. but if this officer you are speaking of had a medal from Africa & the Pacific campaigns, he was a busy boy. my ex-father in law was in Africa, I have a nice German k98 bayonet - matching #'s & a nice frog, I had the scabbard fom an SS dagger , a uniform eagle, can't remember which branch it was, & a medal with blood on the cloth part, but those items my step son has & he is too lazy to dig them out, even though they were mine. I was going to buy them from him, though like I said they are mine anyway, but the bayonet is his. but sounds like you have quite a collection & like I said if the navy was like when I was in it was HARD to get any ribbons or medals.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    I dont know much about the U.S, medals but what is the medal for, ie, freedom from fear and want, freedom of speech and religion, Just asking.
    That is the inscription on the revrese of the U.S. WW2 Victory Medal.


  6. #6

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    The reference to the Four Freedoms is from President Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech at his State of Union Address in January 1941. The USN Reserve Medal is not an easy one to earn as it requires 10 years USN reserve service. The photostat is a bit difficult to read but appears to be the Commander's DD214 (Service Record Summary). Hard to imagine a family letting go of this type of package ..... The Commander graduated from the Naval Academy, Commanded a Ship, and retired from the Reserve. The real deal. probably very researchable history.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    Quote by Josey View Post
    That is the inscription on the revrese of the U.S. WW2 Victory Medal.



  8. #8

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    Quote by Josey View Post

    I'll try this post again.

    Yes, that grouping has some value. At least $2000.00 If the Silver Star citation was the original and not a copy I would put a higher value on it. Is it for sale or are you just looking for a value?


    I dont have the original papers just the copy, unless your talking about the papers on the outer box of the silver star because those are the original papers.

    Valor awards for Charles Franklin Braught | Military Times Hall of Valor

    Here^is the topic explaining what my grandfather did to get the award and such...

    If the lot would go for that much then selling it becomes more of an option. Where would I even go to sell this kind of stuff?

    Also not put in the first topic was his Annopolis graduation ring-1931 I believe, heavy peice of gold and some kind of rubby or something I cant remember. And I also have his captains hat he wore throughout his command on the USD Crouter-the more famous of his commands.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    I would love to purchase this grouping. If you check out a couple of posts right here in this section titled "History Lost Almost" there are three of them, you will see what I do with groupings like this. This group would not be parted out for resale. It would remain intact and go on display. If you do decide to sell it, let me know and we can work out the details through the private messaging section on this site.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Ballparked, worth anything? USN officer's awards throughout WWII

    Quote by JLHORAK View Post
    Hard to imagine a family letting go of this type of package ..... The Commander graduated from the Naval Academy, Commanded a Ship, and retired from the Reserve. The real deal. probably very researchable history.
    There really wasent much intention of letting it go, a mere what it was all worth was wondered. And any/all history of his medals or how hard they were to obtain and such was also hoped. My research has given me nothing of his second silver star which is odd because of his first being posted in/on the site for "Hall of Valor"

    Quote by crazy horse View Post
    well Dave, on that one I'm not sure, but if the U.S. Navy was like it was when I was in, well to get a medal, or even just a ribbon, you almost have to kill a whole army , or sink an enemy ship to get one, the shellback thing is a game everyone plays, if you know what it is, it just means you crossed the Equator, but to get 2 silver stars in the navy is quite a feat, really after 6 years in the navy.
    Well I do know that (So the story goes) when he was captaining the USS Crouter it was reported that it was his destroyer that altered the US command that the Japs had radar which was otherwise unknown at the time. The man spent most of his life (two marriages I believe) and im told by my father an only child, that he wasent much around at all. As said above-I havent much luck at all with finding papers on the second silver star but I know for a fact that those are all his and he didnt collect anything on his way in or out, like picking up a buddies badge or something.

    Lost within the family is also his purple heart he obtain in WWII when a seaman went crazy and stabbed him in the leg! True story, but I have failed also on this attempt to find anything related to it. I know he was in Navy Intelligence so maybe some of his history in the navy is/never will be put on public display. Perhaps a letter to some navy commands might provide me with full records.

    Quote by Josey View Post
    I would love to purchase this grouping. If you check out a couple of posts right here in this section titled "History Lost Almost" there are three of them, you will see what I do with groupings like this. This group would not be parted out for resale. It would remain intact and go on display. If you do decide to sell it, let me know and we can work out the details through the private messaging section on this site.
    -sorry for the late reply

    My main intentions really werent to sell it, after talking with you however I felt if it ever were to no longer be in the family hands that someone like your would be the prefect fit. Having it on display and never re-sold nor broken up and having others know his history outside of the family was an all around best-case outcome if it came to it. The other grandchildren related voiced their thoughts very clearly, as I figured they would and their answer. But only asked because of how it was to be sold, where, how, etc.

    If there was a way we could loan it out for display, but always have access to it I would love for that to happen. But as to selling it, "over their dead bodies". I only thought that the one could have used the money to finish her college and set some bills right for her. Clearly not enough for the yes on her part though....

    I do have a couple questions towards the members though---Is it possible to have two silver stars for one award?--I was always told he was awarded two, but just to cancel out the idea of it being a backup or something.

    And if I may trouble anyone, does anyone know anything more about Commander Charles Franklin Braught? I googled as much as I could, but like I said, I failed to find info on his purple heart and second silver star.

    -I know he had the purple star because I had his medals/awards for a show and tell in the 5th grade

    Thanks all,

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