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ID the regiment please?

Article about: Some one at work is looking to ID this regiment. I think it is an Irish regiment of some sort and he could be a driver giving that he has a crop, otherwise I am stumped. Cheers Terry.

  1. #1

    Default ID the regiment please?

    Some one at work is looking to ID this regiment. I think it is an Irish regiment of some sort and he could be a driver giving that he has a crop, otherwise I am stumped. Cheers Terry.ID the regiment please?

  2. #2


    Although the cap badge doesn't quite look right, I'd say Royal Artillery
    "Per Ardua"

  3. #3


    Looks like a Yeomanry badge to me, but can’t place it... I need to find the right book!
    I’m sure Mark (Watchdog) will know it.

  4. #4


    R arty for me


    Whatever its just an opinion.

  5. #5


    Pretty sure it's RA. The lanyard seals it for me too. Right shoulder for Royal Artillery, and left shoulder for other regiments. He also appears to be wearing jodhpurs and boots with spurs... and also has a riding crop - so maybe RHA.

    Perhaps I should also add that the lanyard used to be worn (by the RA) on the left shoulder, but after the introduction of the leather bandolier during WW1 - which was worn over the left shoulder, the lanyard was transferred to the right shoulder.


  6. #6


    Thanks Guys for the replies.. I am having to go with RA for this soldier. I will inform my friend at work, thanks again.

  7. #7


    Royal Field Artillary Terry

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