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WW2 Era Letter Written by Marine who Served in the Same Regiment as the Famous John Basilone. He would take part in the battles of Guadalcanal and Cape Gloucester.

Article about: This letter was written by PFC. Edward O. Bratschneider. During the war, he served with the 7th Marine Regiment within the 1st Marine Division. Interestingly, Edward served in the same regim

  1. #1

    Default WW2 Era Letter Written by Marine who Served in the Same Regiment as the Famous John Basilone. He would take part in the battles of Guadalcanal and Cape Gloucester.

    WW2 Era Letter Written by Marine who Served in the Same Regiment as the Famous John Basilone. He would take part in the battles of Guadalcanal and Cape Gloucester.
    This letter was written by PFC. Edward O. Bratschneider. During the war, he served with the 7th Marine Regiment within the 1st Marine Division. Interestingly, Edward served in the same regiment as the famous John Basilone, and was also Commanded by Chesty Puller. In September of 1942, Edward and his regiment arrived on Guadalcanal, joining the rest of the 1st Marine Division, which had landed there on August 7th, John Basilone would have been with this regiment during this time. Edward fought throughout the remainder of the Divisions campaign on Guadalcanal until December 1943, when the Division was relieved and sent to Australia to rest, reinforce and train. On December 25th 1943, Edward and his Division invaded Cape Gloucester on New Britian.

    If you’ve seen the HBO series “The Pacific” you may recall a lot of these events being depicted on that series.

    When this letter was written, Edward was on Cape Gloucester. The letter reads:

    “Feb. 19, 1944

    Dear Mom,

    I’ve received several letters from you about Florida. Well I’ve been in swimming every night out in the Pacific Ocean, and i guess it was just as good as going to Florida. Tropical magic. Ha Ha.

    Things are beginning to look pretty good out here and there is a lot of shuttle butt going around saying the old veterans were going home real soon. I’m praying to the God, Almighty, that it is true. If it happens I want all my relatives there for a party and I will kiss each one of them. So start forming that line now, you’re the first one, mom.

    I’m glad you had a nice time in Florida and maybe will visit there again only this time I’ll be with you.

    You know what, I’ve the most wonderful sisters in the world and my two brother in laws are two great fellows. What more could I want. I’ve really missed all of you and will be very happy to see you all again. There is a fellow in my outfit who has gone through the way with me and he really is a wonderful fellow. I might have him come and visit us after this is over. I’ve been telling him, that I would like him to meet you and he said he would be pleased!

    Well, I’ll guess I’ll have to close now, I’ll be seeing you soon.

    Loads of love and kisses,
    Leatherneck Eddie

    P.S. So long
    P.S. Say hello to everyone.”

    Following the Cape Gloucester campaign, Edward was indeed rotated back home to the United States. From what I could find online, it appears Edward passed away in 1990.
    WW2 Era Letter Written by Marine who Served in the Same Regiment as the Famous John Basilone. He would take part in the battles of Guadalcanal and Cape Gloucester.

  2. #2


    Very interesting to read these letters ! I guess I should start and collecting them !

    Reminds me the great movie "Letters from Iwo Jima"

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