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58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

Article about: Good afternoon everybody, First of all, I hope you are all doing well, and your relatives too. My name is Mehdi Schneyders, I am a coloured Belgian - South African Indian and I live in Wavre

  1. #1

    Default 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Good afternoon everybody,

    First of all, I hope you are all doing well, and your relatives too.

    My name is Mehdi Schneyders, I am a coloured Belgian - South African Indian and I live in Wavre ( Belgium ). Working as a cartoonist - illustrator, I am also a true R.A.F. and Commonwealth air forces’ enthusiast and, for this reason, I have been involved in the International Museum of Chièvres Air Base for the last five years, as well as in the Living History Group « Les Ailes de Chièvres », which is linked to the museum.

    Along with Mister Patrick Masson ( Belgian, « Belga Reconstitution » ), another member and a true enthusiast as well, we are looking for information, documents and photographs on fifty - eight British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery. In doing so, we are collecting everything we can find and this is why I am posting this enquiry. We already have found many details about those airmen ( especially the five Canadians ), but nevertheless, some are still missing. Indeed, for most of them, we don’t know anything about the birth date, the birth place, the family, the background and the education as well before they joined up ( R.A.F., R.A.A.F., R.C.A.F. and R.N.Z.A.F. ). Furthermore, we are looking for scanned copies ( in 600 dpi ) of Flying Log Books ( the whole war diary, from the front cover to the back cover ), letters, documents and photographs ( still in 600 dpi, both sides ).

    I am wondering if, by any chance, some of you have access to some information, and if they are relatives living nearby… or elsewhere ( I would like to get in touch with the families ). If yes, would you agree to share those informations with me, please ? I would appreciate it, really.

    Of course, you will be quoted as a source.

    From time to time, I will send to you information about the progress of our project.

    Here is my E - mail address :


    Dear all, I thank you in advance for your help.

    I have enclosed the list of the " Fifty - Eight ", and you will find the graves below as well ( photographs taken by myself on Sunday, September 27th, 2015, some are missing though ) :

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).
    Last edited by The Tailor; 11-25-2022 at 10:54 AM.

  2. #2
    TWS is offline


    I do not believe I can be of help, but wish you the best of luck with this mission.
    Former U.S. Army Tanker.
    "Best job I ever had."

  3. #3


    Hi Mate,
    If you get in touch with the CWGC, based in the UK, , they'll be able to help you.

  4. #4


    The identity of the airmen seems well researched and recorded already. See below

    Chievres Communal Cemetery - World War Two Cemeteries - A photographic guide to the cemeteries and memorials of WW2

    I would think the Commonwealth War Graves commission would have all the records for named graves. Well done with your volunteer work.

  5. #5


    Good morning fellows,

    : Thank you for your wishes !
    Paul : I have known the CWGC for years, but I will contact them very soon. Thanks for the tip !
    Anderson : This website is well - known to me as well. Thank you very much indeed, this is very kind of you.

    Well, I have already found a couple of websites on which I was able to find some precious details, but above all, I felt grateful with both the kindness and the priceless help given by some people in England ( about Sergeant Jack Fuller, Newbiggin – by – the – Sea Genealogy Project ), in Ireland ( about Sergeant Thomas P. MacHale, ) and in Scotland ( about Sgt Walter N. Collins, Pollokshields Heritage ). On November 11th, I have found the folder of Sergeant James B. Anderson on Library and Archives Canada ( as well as for the four other Canadians ) !!!! Thanks to all these documents, I am able to retrace almost completely his steps ( in addition to all the informations collected earlier ) !!!! Canadiana Heritage is another excellent and outstanding source as well !!!

    I have been busy doing research through The National Archives’ website during the last four weeks ( weekends included ). Operations Record Books are available.

    Last but not the least, Patrick Masson has sent me two photographs yesterday, which show the wreckage of the Halifax L9572 ( TL - G, " G for George " ), No. 35 Squadron !!!! Since then, he is investigating to find the exact location of the crash.

    Pilot Officer Jack McGregor - Cheers and crew :

    1. Pilot ( " Skipper " ) : Pilot Officer Jack McGregor – Cheers, R.A.F.V.R., 64889 ( British ).
    2. 2nd Pilot : Sergeant Thomas Percival " Percy " MacHale, R.A.F.V.R., 936804 ( Irish ).
    3. Air Gunner ( Rear Gunner, " Tail - End Charlie " ) : Pilot Officer Vivian Maxwell Markham, R.A.F.V.R., 100032 ( British, as far as I know ).
    4. Observer ( Navigator ) : Sergeant Alistair Alexander Stobie Heggie, R.A.F.V.R., 967663 ( British ).
    5. Flight Engineer : Sergeant Walter Norman Collins, R.A.F.V.R., 617140 ( British ).
    6. Wireless Operator / Air Gunner ( Wireless Operator ) : Sergeant Jack Fuller, R.A.F.V.R., 987503 ( British ).
    7. Wireless Operator / Air Gunner ( Mid - Upper Gunner ) : Sergeant James Blain Anderson, R.C.A.F., R/54021 ( Canadian ).

    On the night of August 24th - 25th, 1941, they took off at 20 : 53 Hours from R.A.F. Linton - on - House ( North Yorkshire, England ) for an operation to Düsseldorf ( Germany ). On return, the aircraft was shot down by a night fighter, a Messerschmitt Bf 110, and crashed at Grosage, near to Chièvres. None of the seven poor fellows did make it, unfortunately.

    Well, I must get back to work.

    Have a nice day.



  6. #6


    Good evening.

    I made a mistake on Page No. 4. Pilot Officer Jurgis Faliejevas was posted to No. 77 Squadron instead of the " Thirty - Five " :

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Tomorrow, I will publish some great news ! Indeed, Patrick Masson has found the exact crash location of Halifax L9572 ( TL - G, " G for George " ) !!!!

    Have a nice evening.


    Last edited by The Tailor; 12-09-2022 at 06:52 PM.

  7. #7


    Good evening, chaps !

    On November 24th, Patrick Masson has sent to me two photographs which show the wreckage of Halifax L9572 ( both will be provided with a best resolution, I hope so ) :

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Wreckage of Halifax L9572 ( TL - G, " G for George " ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    " In 1941, on a Summer night, a loud bang filled the heavy silence on the mill’s field. A British aeroplane crashed in flames. The aircrew, composed of five persons, was killed. They were buried in the Chièvres Cemetery. "

    Patrick gave some telephone calls, but the details given by the seven individuals contacted were rather approximative though. Nevertheless, he kept going on with his investigations and, finally, he found the Grail ! Indeed, in his message of December 5th, he told me that he met a man who was 5 years old at that time. The latter stated that his mother ( or his aunt ) used to take him for a walk to see the wreckage. But the information given about the crash location was vague, so, the man in question introduced him to another fellow who was 9 years old in those days. Bingo ! The old lad pointed at the exact crash location !!!! To his amazement, the aircraft did not crashed at Grosage, but at Neufmaison instead ( the district next to Grosage, Municipality of Saint - Ghislain ). Here are the photographs taken by Patrick, as well as the maps of the area :

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Rue de Quièvremont ( Quièvremont Street ) seen from Rue de Grosages ( Grosages Street ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    The mill’s field.

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ). 58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Rue de la Biderie ( Biderie Street ). Rue de Grosages ( Grosages Street ).

    The line between Grosage and Neufmaison can be seen on the first photograph ( surface of the road ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    According to Patrick, some more information would be provided quite shortly .

    Some further details and good news are yet to come !!!!

    Cheerio !

  8. #8


    Your work / interest is commendable - keep it up!

  9. #9


    Good morning everyone.

    First of all, I wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best for 2023. May all your dreams come true during this brandnew year !

    Yesterday, I have noticed three mistakes on Page No. 1. Indeed, among the six " Brits " of the first aircrew mentioned earlier, Sgt Walter Norman Collins was the only one in the R.A.F. P/O Jack McGregor - Cheers and Sgt Thomas Percival " Percy " MacHale were in the R.A.F.V.R. Last but not the least, Sgt Alistair Alexander Stobie Heggie was a Scotsman instead of an Englishman.

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Over here, there is something new. On December 20th, Patrick Masson has sent to me a file which contained 250 priceless documents from the Royal Air Force Missing Research and Enquiry Service. Obviously, you could not getting it for free, and, he had to pay a hell of a price to get the very file, indeed. Nevertheless, it was well worth it.

    To be continued...

  10. #10


    Good morning everyone,

    I hope you are all doing well. It's been a long time since my last post, but I have been busy ( still busy today ) with my main occupation as a cartoonist - illustrator, and other research projects as well.

    This week, on Monday, I have been able to update the list, thanks to the information provided by the Auckland War Memorial Museum. Indeed, I have found the two " Kiwis "'s birth dates ( F/Lt John William Anthony and P/O William Robert " Bill " Kell ) as well as their short biographies ( Biographies of Deceased Personnel 1939 - 1945, Bound Volumes ) :

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    58 British and Allied airmen buried in the Chièvres Communal Cemetery ( Belgium ).

    Here are the links :

    Still, their service records, other documents linked to them and good photographs are missing. But the next day, while checking the photographs' collection on the Air Force Museum of New Zealand's website, BANG , I have found an excellent photograph showing Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) John W.A. Myers among other R.N.Z.A.F. Trainee Pilots of " A " Squad ( or " A " Flight ), Course 31A ( No. 1 Service Flying Training School, R.N.Z.A.F. Wigram ) :

    Here are the identified Trainees. As you can see it, several of them are not yet fully identified. So, if anybody can help me with the identifications, it would be very much appreciated, no question about it. I thank you in advance for your kind help :

    First row, from left to right :

    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) E.R. Hope.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Alastair McRae McLachlan ( NZ422299 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Eric Walter Young ( NZ421134 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) S.L. Corbett.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) R.M. McEwen.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) G.P. Wylie.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) John William Anthony Myers ( NZ405801 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Morris McIntyre « Mack » Bee ( NZ417004 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) George White ( NZ421121 ).

    Second row, from left to right :

    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Thomas Rodgers Donaghy ( NZ422267 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Norman Wilfred Donnelley ( NZ422269 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) L.D. McKenna.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) W.W. Green.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Maxwell Kenneth Neil Bunting ( NZ422255 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) M.W.W. Johnson.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) A.C.W. Lawrence.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) W.L. Bayliss.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Walter Boocock ( NZ422251 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) B.A.H. Stableford.

    Third row, from left to right :

    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) H.B.W. Boys.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) A.T. Kofoed.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Kenneth Drummond ( NZ422270 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) John Orr ( NZ422311 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) F. Tregilgas.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) J.H. Boles.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Owen Patrick Fewster Taylor ( NZ421792 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) R.S. Thomson.
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Charles Verdun Gore Richardson ( NZ424548 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) Bertram Challis Riddle ( NZ424547 ).
    • Leading Aircraftman ( L.A.C. ) C.L.A. Gray.

    Today, I will apply for J.W.A. Myers and W.R. Kell's service records and other documents as well ( Personnel Records, New Zealand Defence Force ).

    I will get back to you, as soon as possible, with new information and details concerning my previous post.

    Have a good day.

    Cheers .
    Last edited by The Tailor; 07-21-2023 at 02:42 PM.

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