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Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?

Article about: Dear Colleagues, I need your expert opinion. Can the badge on the picture be an authentic or is it a copy. I have seen similar, but slightly different badge on this forum here: https://www.w

  1. #1

    Default Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?

    Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?

    Dear Colleagues,

    I need your expert opinion. Can the badge on the picture be an authentic or is it a copy. I have seen similar, but slightly different badge on this forum here:
    Pre-war Badge thread, which was identified as a copy.
    If my badge is a copy too, can anybody post pictures of a real badge.

    Thank you in advance,

  2. #2


    copy, unfortunately

  3. #3


    Yes those are common fakes often found on ebay. I bought a fake one many years ago also, here it is

    Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?
    Pre-War Polish Air Gunner Badge, real or fake?
    Regards, Al

  4. #4


    Thank you, guys, for replies.

    I suspected it was a copy because of abcense any markings on the spinner, which is unusual for Polish badges.

    Still, I have seen on this forum at least two Polish badges, one is on sale now, with exactly similar spinners.

    My and Aldo's badges are different in details. So is the badge I have seen on this forum before.

    One badge, similar to mine, was once sold on eMedals in a group of Polish Air Force insignia.

    I still anxios to see a real thing. Can anybody advice, where could I find a picture of that badge.

    Thank you in advance


  5. #5


    Witam Kolegów.
    Na temat tej odznaki napiszę po Polsku bo tłumacz mógłby coś przekłamać. Odznaka strzelca pokładowego, identyczna w wyglądzie jak przedwojenna, zaczęła ponownie obowiązywać w Wojsku Polskim od zeszłego roku. Podstawa prawna : decyzja Ministra Obrony Narodowej nr 44 z dnia 29.03.2022 r. ( Dziennik Urzędowy MON z dnia 29.03.2022 r., pozycja 51 ). Znam osobiście jednego z żołnierzy, który przez bardzo długi czas czynił starania aby przywrócić tą odznakę do użytku obecnie. To, co Koledzy prezentujecie na fotkach, to współczesna produkcja. Oficjalne współczesne odznaki nadawane w Wojsku Polskim powinny być numerowane.

  6. #6


    Thank you


    "Hello colleagues.
    I will write about this badge in Polish because the translator could distort something. The deck gunner's badge, identical in appearance to the pre-war one, has been in force again in the Polish Army since last year. Legal basis: Decision of the Minister of National Defense No. 44 of March 29, 2022 (Official Journal of the Ministry of National Defense of March 29, 2022, item 51). I personally know one of the soldiers who for a very long time made efforts to restore this badge to use today. What Colleagues present in the photos is a modern production. Official contemporary badges awarded in the Polish Army should be numbered.
    Regards, Al

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