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27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

Article about: It is remarkable that those few pictures that were taken survived given the risks "partisans" in them faced of being identified by the various enemies of the Polish resistance move

  1. #21

    Default Re: 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    First book: " And mothers still weep"

    Second book: " Ignored genocide in the borderlands" written by a priest, father Isakowicz-Zaleski.

    Third one: "From Wolyn massacre to action Vistula"
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty   27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty  

    27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty  

  2. #22

    Default Re: 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    Last but not least:
    Henryk Pajak : book is called "Fate"
    Published in late 60's as literally one of the first books dealing with 27th Division, has Por "Remus" on quite few pages.
    Henryk Pajak also co-wrote the "Red nights" also around 1965, he was the first author crazy enough around these times to write about Wolyn and 27th.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty  

  3. #23

    Default Re: 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    Here is a verification document for a posthumously awarded Virtuti Militari, Cross # 12761. Awarded to S.P. Lt Klaudiusz Styslo, nom de guerre "Bialy"
    Born in Wolyn Province, later trained as Combat Enginier (Saper), in 1939 commanded a platoon of Enginers, later in 1940 started along with his brother Wlodzimierz in the ZWZ. Later in 1942 they both are members of Special Sabotage Group of KG AK in Warsaw, the commander of the Group Jan Kiwerski "Dyrektor" later "Oliwa" (later a Commander of the 27th Division, killed in action 1944 by unknown...)
    Ptomoted to Lieutenant in 1941, took part and commanded in some of the most spectacular military actions in Warsaw : one being named "Goral" (taking money from german Bank), then in action in Celestynow, where they were freeing prisoners, his Brother Wlodzimierz dies.
    He came to Wolyn on 9 March 1944 with so called "Warsaw Group), became commander of the I Platoon in " Warsaw Company " He was along with my Great Uncle Remus and Op "Krwawa Luna" in the action on the Turopin Bridge. 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty
    He died in a fight with germans in the morning of June 10, 1944 after the Warsaw Company crossed river Bug by a vilage of Pawluki.
    He was exhumed after war and reburried at Warsaw Powazki Cementary in a quarters of Sabotage (Diversion) Brigade "Broda 53" where he rests along with his Brother Wlodzimierz.
    (Picture and Bio from Czeslaw Piotrowski " Przez Wolyn i Polesie na Podlasie)

  4. #24

    Default Re: 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    Very impressive thread indeed. I'm glad it resurfaced as I had never heard about the 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty.

    Wish there was a way the Polish books could be translated and reprinted in English. I really think the Polish government should act this if no private publishers do, and make these books available to English speakers worldwide.

    These histories need to be told.

  5. #25


    27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    I purchased this set not long ago. This is the AK Cross given by the London Government and later by Polish Government Also there is a award of Army Medal, 2nd time. I decided to try to find out who the soldier was, and what unit he was in. The papers only say " 27th Infantry Division " Also the fact that we are dealing with enlisted soldier not Officer makes it that much more difficult .
    But one never knows what he may find.....
    Stanislaw Zytynski nom de guerre "Sep "vulture" was in " Krwawa Luna " Battalion, 2nd Company. He was one of my Uncle "Remus" soldiers.....

  6. #26

  7. #27


    27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    I found "Sep' mentioned in a "Memories Dec 1943- May 1945 authored by Olgierd Kowalski, who was also in Battalion "Luna". Olgierd Kowalski in 1947 was sent to Prison for five years for helping a friend who was a Polish Jew escape to the West.

  8. #28


    27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty

    " Soldiers of the 2nd Company, "Kot " and "Sep" (St. Zytynski) trapped a german soldiers in the Forrest and made him surrender. When the german soldier raised his hands " Sep" got close to him and "Kot" as a big time amateur photographer tried to get a picture. In that moment german soldier threw a grenade by "Kot's " feet. Luckily when he was unscrewing the top to get to the pull ring the soldier unscrewed the fuse, because the thrown grande did not have the fuze in it. It is significant that the guys did not lay a hand on the german soldier for that. After interrogation the german soldier was given to the soviets. It is a fact that his boots were taken, because there was a big shoe shortage. "

    These are the the first eight lines on top.

  9. #29


    This one is for Lt Klaudiusz Styslo. I have added appropriate medals to his display. R.I.P.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 27 Wołyńska Dywizja Piechoty  

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