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Monte Cassino cross

Article about: I dont htink about this like a collection maybe it is naive but it is a part of my family and describe the brave men which hard to find these days.Some award documents.tedAttachment 356198At

  1. #511


    Very interesting thread..i would like to add mine to it,i have no information about who it is,so any help would be appreciated
    Monte Cassino crossMonte Cassino cross

  2. #512


    Quote by Bull View Post
    Helldude, so sorry to hear that your Great Grandfather lost his life over there. Your family must be very proud of him though. Have you had an opportunity to visit his grave in Italy by any chance? Thanks for posting the photo.
    Not yet but i hope soon

  3. #513


    Hello Wizardman,

    The Recipient of the Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 3319 was:

    Rank: Kapral (Corporal)

    Surname: CAWRO

    Christian Name: Wladyslaw

    Date of Birth: 1910

    Army Service Number: (also found on his ID Tags): 1910-40-III

    Unit: 3KPAPL (3rd Carpathian Light Anti Aircraft Artillery Regiment)

    By the end of the War he was a Ogniomistrz pchr. ( Sergeant of Artillery/Officer Cadet).

    After the end of the war he settled in the UK dying in 1978 in Nottinghamshire.

    Hope that the above is of some use to you

    Best wishes


  4. #514


    Thank you very much mate..i have had it since the 80s..I think some of his family must have moved to Australia and that is how i got very happy that you were able to help,it makes the medal real

  5. #515

    Default mcc lost in transit


    This Monte Cassino Cross was lost /stolen in transit in Warsaw, Poland (PLWAWA, WER WARSZAWA) on the 29th of August 2014.
    Please notify me if it is circulating on the market.
    Serial number is 11368.
    Thank you for any information provided.

    Monte Cassino cross

    29 sierpnia 2014r. w Węźle Rozdzielczo-Ekspedycyjnym w Warszawie (PLAWAWA, WER WARSZAWA) zaginęła/została ukradziona przesyłka rejestrowana zawierająca
    Krzyż Monte Cassino nr 11368.
    Uprzejma prośba o powiadomienie mnie, jeżeli przedmiotowy KMC pojawi się na rynku.
    Walor będzie pochodził z przestępstwa, które zostało zgłoszone polskim organom ścigania i jest w rejestrze zaginionych dóbr kulturowych Komendy Głównej Policji.

  6. #516


    Anything on the MCC no 624?

  7. #517


    Is anyone on the forum an owner of the Monte Cassino Cross no 17839? I am aware it is like looking for a needle...but I think it is always worth to try. Thank you

  8. #518


    Hello Propatria,

    Sorry for the late reply, the recipient of the Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 624 was as follows:

    Rank: Plutowmy (Lance Sergeant)

    Surname: SKOCZYLAS

    Christian Name: Feliks

    Date of Birth: 1905

    Army Number: (also found on his ID Tags): 1905-233-III

    Unit: 2nd Corps Headquarters Staff.

    I had informed the seller who it had been awarded to, but he choose not too update the ebay site, keeping it as may be an officer

    Best wishes


  9. #519


    Thank you Andrzejku. Not totally honest on the seller site, isn't it?
    Knowing the cross was not awarded to an officer he chose to keep it to himself. As we know officer's crosses are more rare and bring more money. I guess the buyer who payed 200 GBP was hoping it was officer too.
    Once again, thank you for the info.
    Best regards,

  10. #520
    Ewa is offline


    I have jest found this web page - and I am amazed. Thank you! I have a question. I have found in this post a photo of kapral Bronisław Ledochowicz. Are you able to tell anything more about this kapral? He has the same name as my paternal grandfather, and reminds him a lot in looks. However, I know close to nothing about him. He died when i was small child, in 1971. I would very much appreciate any information.
    Many thanks, and thanks again for creating such wonderful site, Ewa

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