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Monte Cassino cross

Article about: I dont htink about this like a collection maybe it is naive but it is a part of my family and describe the brave men which hard to find these days.Some award documents.tedAttachment 356198At

  1. #521
    Ewa is offline


    Hello again, i have jest asked about any info on kapral Bronisław Ledochowicz - to add some identyfing details, his MCC is 46233. Thanks again, Ewa

  2. #522


    Hello Ewa,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the forum, the only information that I have on the recipient of the Monte Cassino Cross numbered: 46233 is as follows:

    Rank: Kapral

    Surname: LEDOCHOWICZ

    Christian Name: Wladyslaw

    Date of Birth: 1904

    His Fathers Name was Jozef

    Army Number (also found on his Identity Tags worn around the neck): 1904-46-III

    Unit:Pluton Dostawy Parkow Materialowych.

    Wladyslaw was deported from Wilejska in January 1940 and sent to Archangel in Siberia arriving there on the 24th February 1940.

    That is all that I could find out about him at this moment Ewa, it might be wise to contact the Polish Records Section of the Ministry of Defence to see what recoirds they have on Wladyslaw.

    Unforunately they do charge approximately £25.00p that was last year, if you do want to obtain his service record from they be sure to ask for copies of both his British and Polish Service Records.

    There is a form that you would have to complete available on the website of the M-O-D, you would also have to provide them with documentation of Wladyslaw's death and your conection to him.

    I hope that the above information is of some use and help to you Ewa.

    Best wishes


  3. #523
    Ewa is offline


    Dear Andrzej,
    so many thanks! This has been helpful and so wonderfully understanding. The handful of information you have sent is pretty much to identify a person - however I have a new question now - the photo is described as of "Bronislaw Ledochowicz, kapral" - while the additional information you so kindly have shared with me is about some "Wladyslaw Ledochowicz.." I wonder, in which name there is an error? Could you maybe clarify this? It seems to be a vital piece, as the trace and photo may be of somebody who was not a member of my family - just to explain, I am searching for information about my grandfather, not about the MCC I happened to become an owner.
    With best wishes,

    Quote by andrzejku98 View Post
    Hello Ewa,

    May I be the first to welcome you to the forum, the only information that I have on the recipient of the Monte Cassino Cross numbered: 46233 is as follows:

    Rank: Kapral

    Surname: LEDOCHOWICZ

    Christian Name: Wladyslaw

    Date of Birth: 1904

    His Fathers Name was Jozef

    Army Number (also found on his Identity Tags worn around the neck): 1904-46-III

    Unit:Pluton Dostawy Parkow Materialowych.

    Wladyslaw was deported from Wilejska in January 1940 and sent to Archangel in Siberia arriving there on the 24th February 1940.

    That is all that I could find out about him at this moment Ewa, it might be wise to contact the Polish Records Section of the Ministry of Defence to see what recoirds they have on Wladyslaw.

    Unforunately they do charge approximately £25.00p that was last year, if you do want to obtain his service record from they be sure to ask for copies of both his British and Polish Service Records.

    There is a form that you would have to complete available on the website of the M-O-D, you would also have to provide them with documentation of Wladyslaw's death and your conection to him.

    I hope that the above information is of some use and help to you Ewa.

    Best wishes


  4. #524


    Hello Ewa,

    The details of the Monte Cassino Cross Numbered 46223 are correct for Kapral Wladyslaw Ledochowicz. but there was also a Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 7874 awarded to a Kapral Bronislaw LEDUCHOWICZ born in 1914, Army Number: 1914-21-III, who served in the 3rd Carpathian Engineers Battalion.

    So Ewa is it LEDOCHOWICZ or LEDUCHOWICZ, it could just be a typing error on the part of the persons typing up the list for the Recipients of the Monte Cassino Cross.

    Best wishes


  5. #525
    Ewa is offline


    That's so interesting! Many thanks, Andrzej!! As it seems, I am looking for info on the receipient of Monte Cassino Cross Numbered: 7874 awarded to a Kapral Bronislaw LEDUCHOWICZ born in 1914. My Grandad was having very often his name misspelled - in fact most often he was using it as Ledóchowicz - with specific Polish equivalent of u. So that makes his name pronounced: Leduchowicz.. This is how my name is spelled properly - with this specific Polish o with coma above. And his name was Bronislaw. Could you say more about the recipient of MCC 7874? SO many thanks!!!!! Best wishes,

  6. #526


    Hello Ewa,

    Many thanks for your reply regarding your Grandfather, I have found the following information on Bronislaw Leduchowicz and also a photograph

    Details are as follows:

    Bronislaw Leduchowicz

    Born: 15th April 1914

    Fathers Name: Hipolit

    Mothers Name: Maria nee Karczewska

    Place Born: Krapowiszcze, Wilno

    Religion: Roman Catholic

    Occupation before September 1st 1939 : Farmer

    After the end of World War 2 Bronislaw came to the UK and joined the Polish Resettlement Corps, before being discharged, he married Jozefa Migdal and settled in Slough in Berkshire.

    They had 2 children, Tadeusz and Ryszard

    Bronislaw Leduchowicz died in Slough on the 3rd January 1973.

    For his Service he was awarded the Polish Cross of Valour, Army Medal, Monte Cassino Cross and the British 1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal and the 1939 -1945 War Medal.

    The above information and the photograph where given by Tadeusz Leduchowicz, is Tadeusz a relative?

    Monte Cassino cross

    Click the photograph to enlarge in a new window

    Last of all the above photograph of Bronislaw is this your Grandfather ?

    I hope that the above information is of some use and help to you.

    Best wishes


  7. #527


    Henryk Zawadzki was my grandfather!

  8. #528


    Hello Sconci and welcome to the forum. Please tell us more about your grandfather. For some reason I have a particular interest in Zawadzki's . . .

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

  9. #529


    Monte Cassino cross

    Here is a temporary document for Monte Cassino Cross for a member of Polish Commando. From my small Polish Commando collection.

    It is dated January 8, 1945. Signed by Major Wladyslaw Smrokowski and it says that Corporal Henryk Padalski from 2nd Bn Motorized Commando has lost his Monte Cassino Cross document in combat, document and Cross numbered 9349, and that this document is same as the Monte Cassino Cross Legitymacja.

  10. #530


    Very interesting document Tom. Thanks for posting it. I had been under the impression that the issuing of the Monte Cassino cross and award document commenced in February 1945, with the bulk issued by the end of the following month. This document seems to suggest otherwise.

    All thoughts and opinions expressed are those of my own and should not be mistaken for medical and/or legal advice.

    "Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday." - John Wayne

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