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Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)

Article about: Hello there Everyone! Trying to sort out is that my great-grandfather on the military family photo or not (inside truck)? better quality photo:

  1. #21


    Hello there Everyone!

    Some days ago finaly get Zeszyt Ewidencijny of my grategrandfather from CAW WBH.
    Is it possible from your side check my understanding of the military way from the "5. Zmiany Ewidencijne records?":

    Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)

    1. Polskich Sił Zbrojnych w ZSRR(ZSSR - Palestina) served in 19 Pułk Piechoty 7 Dywizja Piechoty
    2. On 29.05.1942 moved from Dowodztwo W.P.S.W. to 3 Brygady Strzelców Karpackich 7 batalion Strzelców Karpackich
    3. 04.06.1942 moved to 2 Kompania Strzelecka(couldn't find this unit. Did it was part of 7 batalion Strzelców Karpackich?)
    4. On 10(11).11.42 moved to Pułk Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej (looks like clerk from 7 bat. 3DSK made some clirical mistake and don't know that on 12.06.1942 pulk already became 3 Pułk Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej. May be this fact can explain why he have one more record from 11.11.42. Do you know what does the "bat. dow" can mean there? What kind of unit it can be?)
    5. On 01.06.1943 till the end of WW2 served in pluton warsztatowy 3 Pułk Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej lekkej by kierowca samochody (car driver).

    Does someone know something more about tasks of this plutons(pluton warsztatowy)? What kind of military service they made duaring military operations?
    Will be very gratefull for any help from your side.
    Thank you!

    Regards, Valerii
    Last edited by ValeriiGajewski; 06-15-2021 at 02:44 PM.

  2. #22


    Hello Valerie,

    The 7th Carpathian Rifle Battalion was formed in the Spring of 1942 in Palestine as part of the 3rd Carpathian Rifle Brigade, this unit was disbanded in November 1942 and then re-established at the end of 1944, the Battalion fought in the Battle for Bologna.

    In 1946 the Battalion was transported to the UK where in 1947 it was disbanded.

    Valerie your 3rd point 4th June 1942 moved to 2nd Rifle Company, the Carpathian Rifle Division was made up of 2 Brigades which in turn were made up of 3 Battalions the Battalions were made up of a number of Company sized units which in turn were made up of a number of platoons.

    I hope that answers your question

    Also Bat.Dow might be Battalion Comander "dowódca batalion" ?

    Hopefully another Forum member will be able to answer your questions Valerie

    Best wishes


  3. #23


    Hello Valerii,

    3. 13.5.1942: Przybył na teren Palestyny i zaliczony do Rezerwy Dowódcy W.P.S.W. z 19 Pułku Piechoty (W.P.S.W. - Wojsko Polskie na Środkowym Wschodzie) - He arrived to Palestine and was included in the Reserve Commander of the W.P.S.W. from the 19th Infantry Regiment (W.P.S.W. - Polish Army in the Middle East).

    On 31st May 1942 the 19th Infantry Regiment was disbanded and most of its soldiers were used to form Battalions of the 3rd Carpathian Rifle Brigade. The 3rd Carpathian Rifle Brigade consisted of 3 Battalions: 7th, 8th and 9th.

    4. 29.5.1942: Przeniesiony pod każdym względem do 3 D.S.K. i przydzielony do 7 Batalionu - Moved in all respects to the 3rd Carpathian Rifle Division and assigned to the 7th Battalion.

    5. 4.6.1942: Zgłosił się w 7 Batalionie i przydzielony do 2 Kompanii Strzeleckiej - He reported to the 7th Battalion and was assigned to the 2nd Rifle Company.

    A Battalion consists of several (3-6) Companies, and these are consists of Platoons.

    7. 10.11.1942: Przeniesiony pod każdym względem do Pułku Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej - Transferred in all respects to the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment.

    There is no mistake here. It is only written "P.A.P.lot." - Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment, but it is about the 3rd Carpathian Anti-Aircraft Light Artillery Regiment.

    8. 11.XI.1942: Zgłosił się w 3 Pułku Artylerii Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej i przydzielony do bat. dow. (bat. dow. - Batalionu Dowodzenia) - He reported to the 3rd Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment and was assigned to the Command Battalion.


  4. #24


    Many thanks for your help Andrzej & Konrad!

    Very gratefull for your support!
    Also want to ask, do you know that the diffrents
    between military ranks of kapral and kapral rezerwy for.ex?
    I can see that every record about changes of the military rank include "rezerwy".
    Am I clear that it can be the same with the kapral for ex.
    and used for soldiers, who had a regural military service
    in Wojsky Polskiem before WW2 began?
    In this case my grategrandfather attend half year military courses in 81 Grodno infratry pulk from 1.09.29 till 10.03.1930, and also took the przysiega wojskowa on ?.05.1929. Did that mean that after regular service ended he came in to military rezerwy in case of War?

    Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)

    Also want to ask, may be do you know something about plutons warsztatowy in the 2nd Corp regimeints?
    May be will it possible advise from your side read some books or articles about one?

    Thank you so much again.

    Regards, Valerii

  5. #25


    Hello Valerii,

    I think you're right.

    In XVII it states that from 1.IX.1929 to 10.III.1930 he completed NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) training in the 81 Infantry Regiment according to his own testimony.

    "szk. podof." - NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) training

    A reserve soldier is a person who took the military oath and was transferred to the reserve after being released from active military service. After completing this NCO training he was promoted to the rank of Kapral (Corporal) and probably sent to the reserve.


  6. #26


    Hello Valerii,

    With regards to your post, I have searched through the 1927 Handbook of the Polish Army and found the following information for you :

    Recruiting and Man Power.

    1) Law of Military Service.

    The Law of Military Service was signed by the President on the 23rd May 1924 and took effect from the date of publication, namely 18th July 1924.

    Military Service is obligatory on all male citizens of the Polish State, between the ages of 21 and 50 years. In the event of general mobilization , men of 19 and 20 years of age can also be called up for service.

    2) Terms of Service and Periods of Training.

    All male citizens are liable as stated for a period of 29 years, divided as follows :

    Active Army

    2 Years from 21-23 years of age (in Cavalry and Horse Artillery 2 and a half years)

    Reserve Army

    Up to the end of the year in which the man completes 40 years of age divided into two periods :

    i) from 23-30 years of age

    ii) from 30-40 years of age

    iii) Levee en masse (Pospolite Ruszenie) for 10 years up to the end of the year in which the man completes the age of 50 years.

    The "wiek poborowy" or age of enrolment begins on the 1st of January of the year in which the man completes 21 years of age and ends on the last day of the year in which he completes 23 years of age, lasting thus 3 years.

    Hope it helps you Valerii,

    Best wishes


  7. #27


    Hello there everyone!

    Kindly ask you help to translate the following anthropometric data:

    Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)Need your help for identify soldier on photo (inside truck)

    Regards, Valerii

  8. #28


    Hello Valerii,

    Many thanks for your post, the translations of his details are as follows :

    Height : 163 cm

    Chest Circumference : 95 cm

    Weight : 64 kilograms

    Hair colour : Blond

    Eyebrows Light Blond

    Nose : Straight

    Face Oval

    That is all that I have been able to translate for you Valerii, I hope it is of some use and help to you, hopefully one of the other Forum members will be able to be of further assistance to you.

    Best wishes


  9. #29


    Hello Valerii,

    Eyebrows: ciemny blond - dark blond

    Eyes: ciemne piwne - dark brown

    Chin: cofnięta, wyprostowana or wypukła - retracted, straightened or convex


  10. #30


    Thank you so much as always Konrad & Andrzej!

    Regards, Valerii

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