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Photo Etiquette

Article about: Just wondering what the etiquette on the Forum is regarding photos. In regards to a well known Auction house (Ratisbons) where saving photos is not permitted, making it impossible to get the

  1. #11


    'Fair use' is open to different interpretation's of what it actually means. In UK law the three principles of 'fair use' are where the written word or photographs are used for research/private study, purposes of criticism, review or quotation - or where the material is used for the purposes of reporting current events. I would assume that if pictures or text are lifted off a dealers website - or any other source - and reproduced on the forum for the sole purpose of discussion about authenticity of a certain item, a seller might have grounds for legal redress if that discussion leads to the tarnishing of a seller's reputation. You really have to be sure where you stand legally before you start using someone else's intellectual property. I believe that in the US rules of 'fair use' there might be some mention of first seeking permission to use the material before using it, and then if the owner cannot be contacted, you can then apply 'fair use' if you use the material with discretion. Many websites actually ban you from using their photographs. I am by no means an authority on this, but when you are - or have been - in the business of writing books, you have to have a certain degree of understanding the laws governing copyright to protect your own back. Don't rely on hearsay, and don't rely on what someone else might tell you - not even me.


  2. #12


    If someone sells online for thousands of dollars everything is free game for me.
    Too many got suckered by threats of not using photos. So I don't follow courtesy rules ... it's my money , my rules , great scotch :-)

  3. #13


    Quote by Schwerpunkt View Post
    If someone sells online for thousands of dollars everything is free game for me.
    Too many got suckered by threats of not using photos. So I don't follow courtesy rules ... it's my money , my rules , great scotch :-)
    Anyone can sell for whatever price they want, whether you like it or not. Its not very nice, but shit happens. No-one is forced into buying anything, they make their own choice in life. It isn't your rules either, the 'copyright' laws are legally binding to protect someone's intellectual property. You talk a good fight, but if you ever fall foul of copyright laws by loading someone else's material on to your website without permission - and they decide to sue you - then you might change your tune. Enjoy your whisky.

  4. #14


    Quote by HARRY THE MOLE View Post
    Anyone can sell for whatever price they want, whether you like it or not. Its not very nice, but shit happens. No-one is forced into buying anything, they make their own choice in life. It isn't your rules either, the 'copyright' laws are legally binding to protect someone's intellectual property. You talk a good fight, but if you ever fall foul of copyright laws by loading someone else's material on to your website without permission - and they decide to sue you - then you might change your tune. Enjoy your whisky.
    I am not talking about my website , I am talking about using photos for discussion topics. Don’t be so scared.
    I have been exposing fakes from dealers for 15 years now so nobody should worry about posting photos for discussion.

  5. #15


    So if I have the original photos that were used in a book prior to my purchasing them, then I can't post those images online or when I go to sell them? That position is not only ludicrous but ridiculous as well. If I paid hundreds of dollars for photos and they were published prior to my purchasing them, then I purchase the originals and afterward I use them for what ever purpose I choose, the author, publisher or anyone else cannot try to take legal action. If thats the case I'd never share any images with any author as you have no ownership right to images that you obtained for use in publications.

  6. #16


    It depends if they are the original photographs, or just copies of the original photographs. If they are the originals you do not have a problem. But if you purchased them as copies, and the person you purchased them from took the photographs and has the originals, then you have to seek permission.

    There was a particular picture I wanted to use in my book: 'A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK: ANDERSONSTOWN.' It showed an IRA gunman armed with a Thompson, and closing in on one of my units foot patrols on January 31st 1972. I contacted the author of the picture with a view to using it, and depending on the size of the picture and how many books it would be used in, he wanted £65 for every time the image was used. Most images people post are 'out of copyright' and can be used, but you have to be sure about what you can and can not do before you do it.

    Copyright is protected for the whole life of the author plus 70 years after his/her death. Don't listen to people telling you not to worry about it, they will not be the one's that could find themselves in trouble for breach of copyright. Much of the time you will get away with it, but there was an incident on here a while ago when a forum member was purchasing a German helmet off another forum member. The seller sent the prospective purchaser several photographs of the helmet, and the purchaser then posted the pictures on the forum for opinions. The seller was furious that his images had been used without his permission - and rightfully so. Bad advice was given to the purchaser by several forum members to ignore the seller. But I believe that there might be a clause in forum rules about people making sure they have permission to use images before posting them on the website. Just remember that what you put on here ends up in the public domain!

    Last edited by HARRY THE MOLE; 09-17-2022 at 10:02 AM.

  7. #17


    I have been lucky enough to have had a few of my pictures used in
    books. The authors of those books asked permission and respected my terms of use.

    I have also seen several of my collection pictures posted without my permission in
    discussion forums such as this one. For the most part, I have no problem with one of
    my collection pictures being used to help further a discussion about originality ect.
    However --- If someone uses one of my pictures in a book or other form of publication
    and then sells that publication for profit, then I take issue. If anyone is going to make
    money off of my pictures, it should be me.
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  8. #18


    Lol I've been posting screen-shots from Ratisbon's since I first joined here... glad to know that was all retrospectively ok. I just wish they would allow you to download the full-resolution images directly. As far as I know it's ok to post the direct link to the item in question as long as you include at least one photo for the forum's records.

  9. #19
    TWS is offline


    Quote by Fiore View Post
    Lol I've been posting screen-shots from Ratisbon's since I first joined here... glad to know that was all retrospectively ok. I just wish they would allow you to download the full-resolution images directly. As far as I know it's ok to post the direct link to the item in question as long as you include at least one photo for the forum's records.
    Up until relatively recently (perhaps within the past two years), one could download and save photos directly from that auction house. I noticed the change in the website coding and I asked Klaus about it. He said the ability to download and save his photos directly was being abused. He did not elaborate, but we all know of a couple crooked websites where the "sellers" don't actually own the items in question and have stolen photos from other listings and then portray them as their own.
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