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2 "Deschler"

Article about: Hello gentlemen, Let me show you my last addition... A zinc one and an early D&S M. enjoy.

  1. #21


    Quote by Martin C View Post
    Hello Friends,

    For the sake of education, could someone describe or point out the "characteristic defect", in question?

    Thank you


    I will let someone else answer here.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 2 "Deschler"
    Join Date

  3. #22


    See post # 4, but I have already made a statement in this connection, and this issue is not worth the attention it gets.

    We have many valuable SS threads here, with a lot of knowledge, and the attention of others should be directed to these threads and not to

    collector hyperbole and or misinformation.

    Once more, Messr Bernhard found a nice piece.

  4. #23


    Quote by Friedrich-Berthold View Post
    I will beat a dead horse, and do so with glee. I cannot see these details with the naked eye. Basta.

    While some of you gain your SS regalia from moors and dark forests, others of us are used to finding insignia on caps and tunics.

    The difference is cultural and one of the age of the person. This fact leads to a different perspective.

    None of you can convince me that those purported differences in these badges are much other than coincidence and historical oddity rather than some
    significant feature worthy of much attention or energy, to say nothing of the more or less dubious attempt to assign a monetary value to such things.

    If you take offense at this statement, then that is the world in 2015.

    Happy collecting, and do buy these things from a sound source.

    PS Messr Bernhard's badge is very nice. As I say, I collect these already on the cap, and, in the ideal sense, where the thing has been since about 1934 or 1935, if luck allows it.
    Thanks Friedrich-Berthold,
    Agree totally with you! This so called flaw is a collectors "bull sheet" 😊
    Do you really think all this skull were made with one and only tool ?
    You can see it on the different pins used on the
    exact same skull with the same early D.&S. M. Markings...

  5. #24


    Quote by Pascal BERNHARD View Post
    Thanks Friedrich-Berthold,
    Agree totally with you! This so called flaw is a collectors "bull sheet" 😊
    Do you really think all this skull were made with one and only tool ?
    You can see it on thé different pins used on thé exact same skull with the same early D.&S. M. Markings...
    Thank you. Merry Christmas and happy collecting.

  6. #25


    2 "Deschler"2 "Deschler"2 "Deschler"2 "Deschler"The Deschler people are still around, and in the recent past, persons who worked there in the III. Reich were still alive.
    Yet no collector of whom I aware asked them about any of this. Instead, the sincere persons around here have their time wasted
    with outlandish myths and fairly tales.

    The scatology is well placed here, for sure....

  7. #26


    The Fa. Deschler in Munich was bought by an Austrian firm of similar role and mission.

    The process whereby these things were made cannot be that arcane.

    I know of firms in Vienna, in Neubau, who do something not dissimilar.

  8. #27


    Five years ago....!!

    Deschler & Sohn: Ordensschmiede der Päpste und Könige wird abgerissen

    Feldkirchen - Minister, Könige, ja sogar der Papst ließen bei Deschler & Sohn in Feldkirchen ihre Orden prägen.

    In dem dreistöckigen Gebäude in der Münchner Straße 8 stanzten einst 80 Mitarbeiter Medaillen, bemalten Orden und vergoldeten Abzeichen für Auftraggeber aus aller Welt. Seit Dienstag schwebt über dem ehemalige Fabrikgebäude am westlichen Ortseingang die Abrissbirne. Das Haus ist in den vergangenen Jahren immer mehr zur Ruine verfallen. Auf dem Gelände, das heute Hotel-Besitzerin Maria Bauer gehört, sollen nun die Erweiterungspläne für das Hotel Bauer realisiert werden.

    Die Firma Deschler & Sohn wurde 1831 in München gegründet. Sogar der berühmte „Pour le mérite“ der Preußenkönige wurde hier angefertigt, das bayerische Militärverdienstkreuz und fast alle Orden des Zweiten Weltkriegs. 1960 zog die Abzeichenfabrik von der Wirthstraße in München in die umgebaute alte Brennerei in Feldkirchen.

    Helmut Stillner lenkte 22 Jahre die Geschicke der Firma: Er kam in den 40er Jahren als Angestellter zu Deschler & Sohn. 1975 bot ihm sein damaliger Chef, Gustav Kainz, das Unternehmen an. „Kaufen konnte ich die Firma damals nicht, zunächst übernahm ich sie als Pächter und zahlte monatlich hohe Beträge“, sagt Stillner. Als die Pacht auslief, wurde er Eigentümer. An arbeitsreiche Jahre und einen schillernden Kundenkreis erinnert sich der Firmenchef, der heute im Alter von 77 Jahren in Kirchseeon lebt: „Einmal kam ein Vertreter des Vatikans und ließ Auszeichnungen bei uns entwerfen.“ Auf Einladung der Deutschen Nickelwerke reiste Stillner zum äthiopischen Kaiser Haile Selassie, dessen Garde mit Metall-Beschlägen aus Feldkirchen ausgerüstet wurde, kurz bevor dessen Widersacher gegen ihn putschten. Später knüpfte Stillner bei einer Inhorgenta-Messe in München Kontakte zu Geschäftsleuten aus der DDR: „Die waren scharf auf Devisen und wir konnten in Gablonz sehr günstig produzieren lassen, so dass wir große Gewinnspannen erzielten.“ Dieser Kontakt sicherte der Firma, anders als einigen Mitkonkurrenten, nach dem Mauerfall die Existenz.

    1997 verkaufte Stillner das bayerische Traditionsunternehmen an die österreichische Firma Pichl in Inzing. Aber den Firmennamen Deschler & Sohn liest man bis heute in Feldkirchen: In einem Verkaufs- und Show-Raum in der Sonnenstraße 26 nehmen zwei Mitarbeiterinnen, Birgit Lehrmann und Monika Kuhn, Aufträge an und beraten Kunden.

    Hier werden Orden für die bayerischen Staatsministerien bestellt, die Stadt München gibt Abzeichen und Anstecknadeln in Auftrag. Der Automobilzulieferer Dräxlmaier in Vilsbiburg, Intel oder Brain-Lab lassen Trophäen für besonders gute Mitarbeiter anfertigen. Viele Sportvereine bestellen Pokale. Zu den Großkunden zählen der ADAC und der FC Bayern, der Anstecknadeln für seine Fans prägen lässt. Manch ein Messingblech wird auch zum Faschingsorden gepresst und findet sich an der Brust der Damischen Ritter oder der Filserbuam wieder. Und wer auf der Wiesn den Namen seiner Bedienung auf einer Metallplakette liest, sollte wissen: Auch diese ist bei Deschler & Sohn in Auftrag gegeben worden.


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  9. #28


    Here are the heirs to Deschler,

    PICHL Pokale & Medaillen

    - - ------- - -

    My good friends in Lower Bavaria and or Salzburg should make a field trip there and tell us what they can find....!

  10. #29


    2 "Deschler"I will feast them in Cafe Sperl on the Gumpfendorferstrasse in my beloved Wien, especially if they can find any information about the famous cap badge....

  11. #30


    Deschler & Son: Order forging of popes and kings will be demolished
    Feldkirchen - ministers, kings and even the pope could at Deschler & Sohn in Feldkirchen their religious influence.
    In the three-storey building in the Münchner Straße 8 once punched 80 employees medals, painted decorations and gilded badge for clients from all over the world. Since Tuesday, hovering over the former factory buildings at the western entrance, the wrecking ball. The house has fallen increasingly into ruin in recent years. On the site, which is now part-owner of Hotel Maria Bauer, the expansion plans for the Hotel Bauer should now be realized.
    The company was founded in 1831 Deschler & Son in Munich. Even the famous "Pour le Mérite" of the Prussian kings was here made, the Bavarian Military Merit Order and almost all of World War II. In 1960 he moved the badge factory of the Wirth street in Munich in the converted old distillery in Feldkirchen.
    Helmut Stillner drew 22 years the fortunes of the company: He came in the '40s as an employee to Deschler & Sohn. 1975 offered him his former boss, Gustav Kainz, the company. "I was able to buy the company back then not, at first I took it as a tenant and paid monthly high amounts," says Stillner. When the lease expired, he was the owner. At busy years and a glitzy clientele, the company director, who lives at the age of 77 years today in Kirchseeon recalls: "On one occasion, a representative of the Vatican and had Awards design with us." At the invitation of Deutsche Nickel works traveled Stillner for Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie whose guard was equipped with metal fittings from Feldkirchen, just before its opponents staged a coup against him. Later Stillner tied at Inhorgenta trade fair in Munich contacts with businessmen from the GDR: "They were keen on foreign exchange and we were able to produce very low in Gablonz, so we achieved large profit margins." This contact secured the company, unlike some Mitkonkurrenten, after the Fall of the existence.
    1997 sold Stillner the traditional Bavarian company to the Austrian company Pichl in Inzing. But the company name Deschler & Son we read today in Feldkirchen: In a sales and show-room in the Sun Route 26 take two employees, Birgit Lehrmann and Monika Kuhn, orders and advise customers.
    Here Medal for Bavarian state ministries are appointed, the city of Munich are badges and pins in order. The automotive Dräxlmaier in Vilsbiburg, Intel or Brain-Lab can be trophies for particularly good employees make. Many sports clubs Order trophies. Major customers include the ADAC and the FC Bayern, which can characterize pins for his fans. Many a brass plate is also pressed for Carnival Order and finds himself on the chest of the Elamite Knight or Filserbuam again. And anyone who reads the name of his operation on a metal plaque at the Oktoberfest, you should know: this has been given in Deschler & Son in order.

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