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1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer

Article about: A few weeks ago I encountered a seller at my local flea market with several boxes of supposed WW2 German items. Many were classic fantasy fakes while others were more convincing. Once I spot

  1. #1

    Default 1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer

    A few weeks ago I encountered a seller at my local flea market with several boxes of supposed WW2 German items. Many were classic fantasy fakes while others were more convincing. Once I spot a fake in a group I proceed cautiously, but often times the good is mixed in with the bad. I was the first at the table, and over cover of darkness (it was 5:30 AM) I worked feverously with a flashlight clinched between my teeth; not the best way to make calm, rational, informed choices! While I was digging the seller kept putting more out and a small crowd began to develop. I saw him put two Early War US M1903 "Scant" stocks on the table and I had to move quickly as I knew those were what they appeared to be!

    One box containing small items was filled with a mix of patches and badges, many of which were clearly fantasy. Limp cuff titles, sad SS "Tuxedo" badges and paper-thin screwback Iron Crosses, even a pair of old fantasy SS pith helmet shields for good measure. Digging deeper I began to find other pieces that seemed viable. Before moving over to the rifle stocks I managed to grab a half dozen "interesting" specimens and this Edelweiss patch was one of them (I will be posting several others here too).

    The clasp is maker marked on the backside (L/11) which would appear to denote production by Wilhelm Deumer of Ludenscheid. The details of the Eagle are mostly consistent with other examples I could find by the same maker however some areas appear "soft." I am uncertain if this is from age and handling, as well as inferior alloy metal materials, or if this is evidence of a poor quality cast. Perhaps it is a Late War production piece? Of note, the bottom portion of the number "3" in the "1939" touches box it is contained within; I can find only two examples that match this aesthetic, they can be seen here (Cased 2nd Class Spange to the Iron Cross by L/11 | Lakesidetrader) and here (Original German WWII Clasp to the Iron Cross Second Class 1939 by Wilh – International Military Antiques). While both of these dealers are well-known, it does not mean all the pieces they offer for sale are genuine. Here is another example made by the same company that does not exhibit the aforementioned trait (Iron Cross 2nd Class). The prongs on the backside appear to be brass and are soldered in place. The ribbon shows clear signs of age, handling and storage and is very similar in construction to good WW2 EK2 ribbons I have on hand. It does not react under UV light.

    I gladly welcome all criticisms, opinions and thoughts you might be willing to share about this piece. While I have wanted to add one of these clasps to my collection for a long time, I would still be happy to hold onto this one as a "stop gap" until an original can be had.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    Last edited by komet45; 05-09-2024 at 01:40 PM. Reason: Edited title to use the correct German terminology.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement 1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer
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  3. #2


    That's a cast repro in my eyes. The maker's mark is very soft and the prongs are not what you would want to see on an original clasp. Too many flaws on the reverse.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  4. #3


    Sadly, my thoughts exactly! Thanks Adrian for confirming my suspicions - better to know than to not know!

  5. #4


    I have edited the title of your thread.
    Please read the following thread regarding posting in this section of the forum.
    The Use of German Terminology.

    I agree with Adrian, a cast copy of this award.
    A number of examples of this maker and variant have been posted on this forum over the years for reference.
    Here is one of mine.

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  6. #5


    rbminis, I apologize for ignorantly overlooking forum protocols but can assure you it will not happen again; Terminology thread bookmarked for future posts! Your collection piece appears to be truly textbook with the clear, sharp details you hope to see. Many of the firms producing these awards were essentially commercial jewelers, German jewelers no less, and if the quality level does not meet that standard it's a major "Red Flag." Mine looked better before the sun had risen!

    How do you feel about the two examples I shared from prominent dealers? They both appear to be similar to my example as well as being sold. I have never made serious purchases from either dealer but certainly am familiar with them through my own online research. I would appreciate any thoughts anyone would be willing to share as it's always good to know who NOT to do business with.

  7. #6


    The Lakeside Trader one is OK, the IMA example is not in my opinion.

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  8. #7


    Not being a Spange expert, but an increasing interested hang around, your Spange (Komet) rang an instant bell with me, due to the previous mentioned prongs. Deumer delivered quality pieces; this doesn't fit the picture, even with late-war examples.
    The spotted small pits and imperfections on the reverse side, can be used with determination of the greater part of the cast copies, I daresay. The front may be deceiving, but the rear often tells the story.
    So indeed as you say: a nice gap-stop. The front is done not too bad, the finish looks even like it is frosted?

    This one is mine, bought in a time I really didn't have a clue. I do not think I ever showed it online so maybe this one is also no good. There's a distinct flaw in the wing I only noticed after taking a macro photo.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer   1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

    1939 Spange zum Eisernen Kreuzes 2er Klasse 1914 L/11 Deumer  

  9. #8


    Thanks Martin! The blemishes on the backside are really the "Kiss Of Death" and I wish I had noticed them before I grabbed this one. Much like the example you show here, I thought the details looked close enough to go ahead take a chance with the other pieces. The details on the front face of yours are more convincing than mine, that tiny flaw is one of the only obvious "hints" to take a closer look.

    Wish there had more time to examine everything further but the conditions in which I found this piece were anything but calm. Kind of like being a contestant on some strange game show that reduces grown men to acting like small children! It's a fun game to play though, with great prizes too, and most of us shake hands and compare notes at the end of the match.

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