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Gebirgsjager Grouping to Rudolf Maier

Article about: Hi guys! I usually have stuck to soldbuchs but am branching out. I went a little out of my wheelhouse so to speak and purchased a little grouping of documents I'm not all that familiar with.

  1. #11

    Default WSB 42,44, and back pocket.

    WHEW. Here is the last of them!

    Gebirgsjager Grouping to Rudolf MaierGebirgsjager Grouping to Rudolf MaierGebirgsjager Grouping to Rudolf Maier

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Gebirgsjager Grouping to Rudolf Maier
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    Advertising world

  3. #12


    Thanks Will. I posted the way I thought best. I hope it's not too crazy! Very much the same information a soldbuch would have. Pretty cool to see he was with a Kav.Div. Does that say rum.kgl.6.Kav.Div? Another reason I like this set is because he also has the Rumanian medal with Kaukasus bar, like my soldbuch to Hermann Frick in Geb.jag.regt.13. I believe Maier survived the war since I don't see him in the Volksbund nor on Fold3. But I may be wrong.

    Any comments or help with the documents, etc is appreciated. Like I said, I like discussion as it helps me learn!

  4. #13


    Hi Rose.

    Great presentation and great example. I think that Rudolf is wearing a Hitler Youth badge on the lapel of his jacket and you are right, it does appear that he survived the war which is always nice to see.

    The rum.kgl.6.Kav.Div is not a unit I am familiar with, but an educated guess would be Rumänische Königlichen 6. Kavallerie Division (Romanian Royal 6th Cavalry Division).

    Post #3 -

    According to document 1a it looks like he might have been wounded twice (right hand side, middle, section 29). 1b shows his personal details and I can see his religion was Katholisch = Catholic (section 6), he was Ledig = single (section 7) and his mother was called Katharina and she lived in Kirchplatz 7, Mühldorf am Inn, Bavaria, Germany (section 13).

    Post #4 -

    2b, section 28 has a nice anti partisan entry -

    5.3.1944 - 22.3.1944 - Bekämpfung der Bandenbewegung im Südost raum Kroatien. (Combating gang movement in south-eastern Croatia)

    Post #5 -

    The pink document, 4/4a shows he didn't have a criminal record.

    From post # 7 (bottom photo) -

    Section 8 - Beruf (employment). He was trained as an Kanzleidienst (office worker) and worked as an Kanzleiangestellter (office employee/clerk).

    Section 9 - Parents. His father was called Mathias Grill. I am not sure what a Krämereibes did. It also looks like he died in either 1928 or 1938. His mother was called Katherina Binsel, maiden name Maier. So this could point to Rudolf being born out of wedlock

    Section 10 and 11 - He was in the Hitler Youth from 1.6.1935 until 1939 and was awarded Bergsteiger, Schifahrer, Schwimmer, Hitler Youth Siegernadel (Mountaineer/climbing, Skier, Swimmer, HJ Winner pin) qualifications.

    Hitler Jugend Siegernadel -

    Hitler Jugend Siegernadel 1937

    Post #8 (bottom photo) -

    This shows his height - 167cm (5ft 4), weight in kilograms - 55kg (121 lbs/8.6 stone), build - Schlank (slender).

    Post #9.

    Pages 3 and 5 show his time in the Reichsarbeitsdienst (Reich Labour Service)

    Reich Labour Service - Wikipedia

    Page 6 shows he entered the military (Einstellungstag) on the 4th of February 1941 and swore his oath (Vereidigt) on the 13th of February 1941.

    Page 7 show the units he served in.

    4.2.41 - 8.5.41 - Gebirgsjäger Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 1, Oberammergau
    9.10.1941 - 8.10.1943 -Stabskompanie Nachrichten Zug Gebirgsjäger Regiment 13
    9.10.1943 - 25.2.44 - Gebirgsjäger Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 1, Füssen/Lech
    26.2.1944 - 27.2.1944 - Gebirgsjäger Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 1, Füssen/Lech

    5.4.1944 -
    Reserve Jäger Regiment ?
    Gebirgsjäger Nachrichten Ersatz Kompanie 1

    I struggled to read the above entry, but I would assume the I./E98 would refer to I Bataillon./Geb. Jag. Ers. Regt/Btl 98.

    Nachrichten means signals/communications *

    Standort Oberammergau Hötzendorf-Gebirgsjägerkaserne -

    Standort Oberammergau

    What is a Stabskompanie -

    What is a Stabskompanie? - Axis History Forum

    Post #10 -

    The top stamp shows he was trained to use the Karabiner 98k rifle. The bottom stamps shows he undertook a Gebirgs Tornister Funktrupp course (radio operator).

    I am not sure which radio set he was trained on, but the below links will show examples -

    Torn.Fu.d2 Wehrmacht radio gallery - Funksammler Militaria

    The bottom photo shows his height, gasmask, helmet, hat and shoe size, along with blood group (A).

    Post #11 -

    Shows promotions.

    1.5.1942 - Gefreiter
    1.3.1943 - Obergefreiter.

    Kind regards,

    Last edited by Willmore; 04-27-2024 at 05:45 PM.

  5. #14


    Wow! Thanks for all that information Will.

    Here is a close up of that Unit. It looks like it says 1.

    Gebirgsjager Grouping to Rudolf Maier

  6. #15


    My pleasure Rose.

    You are right!

    Jäger-Ersatz-Regiment 1 -

    Jäger-Ersatz-Regiment 1 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    1st Jäger Reserve Regiment was mainly employed in Zagreb-Karlovac area (the A Battalion spent some three months in early 1944 in northern Bosnia) and took part in numerous anti-Partisan operations in this region.

    Jager-Ersatz-Bataillon B? - Axis History Forum

  7. #16


    The birth certificate describes the father, Grill, as a “Krämer”, which is a trader in mixed goods, such as in a market stall on a market. “Krämereibes.” in the other document could be short for “Krämereibesitzer”, which is the owner of a market stall.

  8. #17


    Thanks guys!, as I continue to study the information, if I have any questions Ill post them!

  9. #18


    Questions for general knowledge. Please pardon me if they seem silly but they may help others who dont know either. If you know the answers, please chime in as I'd love to get more information.

    The documents 1 and 2. Are those just a type of back up file held in an office?

    Would these things be kept with a Wehrpass in a higher office? Or are the documents kept at separate levels? Like soldier has soldbuch, maybe regt has wehrpass, and div has Wehrstammbuch?

    Thanks, Rose

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