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Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

Article about: Hello everyone. Here we have a war time Wehrpaß to a soldier who joined the military in 1940 and served as an Mg34 gunner within Infantry Regiments. This Wehrpaß is a good example of why i

  1. #1

    Default Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Hello everyone.

    Here we have a war time Wehrpaß to a soldier who joined the military in 1940 and served as an Mg34 gunner within Infantry Regiments. This Wehrpaß is a good example of why it is important to undertake research, even if a write up is provided when you purchase a document.

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Page 2 -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    This shows his Wehrnummer (war number), Nummer des Arbeitsbuches (number of work book) and Nummer der Erkennungsmarke (details of dog tag). The dog tag entry is 3. I. E. B. 61. 928 = Roll Number 928 of 3./Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61.

    Page 3 (personal information) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Johann Ziegler was born on the 28th of December 1911 in Hörzhausen, Schrobenhausen. Hörzhausen is a village and a former municipality in the district of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen, in Bavaria, Germany. He was an Ldw = Landwirt Arbeiter (agricultural worker), his religion is noted as Kath = Katholisch (Catholic) and his marital status was Ledig (single).

    Hörzhausen -

    Horzhausen – Wikipedia

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Photo taken in Hörzhausen 1909 -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Postcard of Hörzhausen around 1910 with old schoolhouse -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Hörzhausen station in 1925 -

    Horzhausen - eine Chronik entsteht - Paardon: Geschichte – Kunst – Kultur zwischen Paar und Donau
    Horzhausener Geschichte auf einen Blick - Paardon: Geschichte – Kunst – Kultur zwischen Paar und Donau

    page 4 (personal information continued) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62


    The German term Volksschule generally refers to compulsory education, denoting an educational institution every person (i.e. the people, Volk) is required to attend.

    Volksschule - Wikipedia

    At the bottom of the page are the details of his next of kin, Stephen Zielger who was his father.

    Page 5 (registration for military service) -

    Wehrpflichtiger = conscript.

    He was classed as Ersatzreserve I, which means fully trained and under the age of 35.

    Page 11 (entrance into military service) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Vereidigt am 1.4.1940.

    Sworn in 1.4.1940.

    Page 12 (unit list) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    11.3.40 - 3.6.40 - 3./Kompanie Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61
    4.6.40 - 11.7.40 - 2./Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 554
    12.7.40 - 7.8.40 - 3./Kompanie Machinegewehr Bataillon Zug 55 *
    8.8.40 - 8.10.40 - 3./Kompanie Feldersatz-Bataillon 7
    9.10.40/- 26.10.41 - 4./(Maschinengeweher) Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 62 (Feldeinheit)

    Infanterie Ersatz Bataillon 61 -

    Infanterie-Ersatz-Bataillon 61 - Lexikon der Wehrmacht

    Infanterie Regiment 554 -

    227. Infanterie Division -

    * I am not entirely sure if I have this unit designation correct, so if anyone has an idea or can correct/confirm this I would be extremely grateful.

    3./Kompanie Machinegewehr Bataillon Zug 55 *

    Feldersatz-Bataillon 7 -

    4./(Maschinengeweher) Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 62

    7. Infanterie-Division -

    Page 20 (Training - Small arms) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    M.g.34 = Maschinengewehr 34

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    This photo shows a soldier of Infanterie Regiment 62 (from Lexikon der Wehrmacht)

    Page 22 (Promotions) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    1.4.1941 - Gefreiter

    Page 24 (awards) -

    Although no awards are mentioned, further research has turned up some interesting information. On a German forum, a member has documents belonging to Johann, meaning that his group was split up some time ago (probably for profit).

    Award document for the Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen (infantry assault badge) signed by the commander of I. Bataillon, Major Hartenstein (bearer of the German Cross in Gold).

    Award document for the Eisernes Kreuz II Klasse (Iron Cross 2nd Class) signed by Major General Jordan (Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords).

    A letter returning the Iron Cross to Johanns father dated 20.8.1942. Feldpost number 00255 E was assigned to I. Bataillon (1 - 4 Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 62, with the letter E denoting 4./Kompanie. The signature is from Oberleutnant Frühwein (bearer of the German Cross in Gold).

    In order to view the documents you have to be a forum member. I have tried to signed up, but for some reason the sign up page doesn't seem to work.

    Page 32 (Service deployments) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    9.10.40 - 11.4.41 - Küstenschutz an der Französischen bezw. Belgischen Kanalküste *
    12.4.41 - 21.6.41 - Besatzungstruope in Ostraum

    9.10.40 - 11.4.41 - Coastal protection on the French and Belgian Channel coasts
    12.4.41 - 21.6.41 - Occupation troops in the eastern area

    * bezw. = beziehungsweise (or, also, rather, more precisely).

    Page 46 (Blood group and equiptment sizes) -

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Blutgruppe - O

    Größenangaben -

    Gasmaske - 1
    Stahlhelm - 56
    Mütze - 56
    Stiefel - 29

    Blood group - O

    Size information -

    Gas mask - 1
    Steel helmet - 56
    Cap - 56
    Boots - 29

    Although not noted on page 34 of the Wehrpaß (wounds and illnesses), Johann was in fact killed in action on the 26th of October 1941 in Jakscbino, Russia. With portions of information missing, I can only assume that the company clerk didn't have a chance to update the entries before Johann fell and his possessions were returned to the family.

    Name: Johann Ziegler
    Rank: Gefreiter
    Birth Date: 28 December 1911
    Birth Place: Hörzhausen Ndbÿ
    Military Unit: 4./Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 62
    Death Date: 26 October 1941
    Death Place: Jakschino

    His cause of death is noted as Gefallen: Artillerie Geschuß Kopf (Killed in action: Artillery shot head)

    Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62

    Johann Ziegler has not yet been transferred to a military cemetery set up by the Volksbund.
    According to the information available to us, his grave is currently in the following place: Jakschino / Wjasma - Russland.

    The casualty card says Johann he was buried in Dorfmitte Jakschino (center of the village of Jakschino), so his remainsare likely still resting there.

    Jakshino (possibly Yakshino) -

    War time locations in Russia can be very hard to find and I can't pin down the exact place where Johann fell, but below is some information about places linked to Infanterie Regiment 62 in October 1941.

    On October 14, 1941, the attack on Vereya began, which was destroyed on the 18th of October 1941 after heavy fighting. Afterwards, Infantereie Regiment 62 expirence heavy Russian counterattacks.

    Vereya -

    Vereya (Russian: Вере́я) is a town in Naro-Fominsky District of Moscow Oblast, Russia,

    Vyazma is also mentioned as the place 7. Infanterie Division was in October 1941 -

    Moscow Oblast -
    Last edited by Willmore; 06-29-2024 at 02:09 PM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Wehrpaß Mg34 gunner Infanterie Regiment 62
    Join Date

  3. #2


    Great wehrpass Will thanks for sharing. Always good detail and research you put out. I have to wonder though about the page 11 dates lol. Are my eyes wrong? -Rose

  4. #3


    About 38km north east of Wyasma (Vyazma) you can find Yakshino, Novoduginsky District, Smolensk Oblast. About one exact year after he fell here, it became the position for H.V.Pl der Sanko 1/31. I am certain this is where he fell. Coordinates are Latitude 55° 31' 50" N, Longitude 34° 36' 53" E

    Last edited by Witt; 05-22-2024 at 03:01 AM.

  5. #4


    Hi Rose.

    My pleasure and that is good of you to say. I try to lay out threads in a way that if someone who has never seen a Wehrpaß before could hopefully follow what is written and get an understanding about what the document is about. Also I like to add extra links about units etc for you document/research vets.

    HA HA HA, thanks and good spot on the dates (22.19.1940). They are sorted now, but I have no idea how that happened, possibly getting distracted watching the X-files and typing.

    Kind regards,


  6. #5


    Hi Ben.

    Great work, I appreciate it and will have a look.

    Kind regards,


  7. #6


    Ha, you're welcome. I did a double take on it and I wondered if your cat maybe helped lol. Some other planets month system lol.

  8. #7


    For once, the cats are innocent, this time it was me being dense! Ha ha ha, I honest thought that too.

  9. #8


    Very nice WP Willmore, I'm guessing in light of your initial comments that you obtained this one for a nice price?

  10. #9


    Thanks BC.

    I just had a look in the 'Will archive' and this cost the princely sum of £57.48 back in 2011/2012. The cheapest Wehrpaß I ever bought was found at Stoneleigh and cost £12. It is the classic example of an older miner who was registered and then never called up, so pretty empty, but a nice piece.

    Kind regards,


  11. #10


    The signature on page 1 is that of Karl Weikand who served in WW1 as a Hauptmann. His military service ran from 1899 all the way through to 1927 when he became a Kreisleiter before his return to service in 1933. He continued to serve until his retirement as a Generalmajor z.V in 1942.

    The other signature seen on pages 22 & 32 is that of Leutnant Ludwig Thannhuber who won the DKiG with 4./IR-62 on 14th February 1942.

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