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Australian WWII - Far North Queensland Metal detecting and recovery

Article about: Hi Blokes ~ I am posting this as an going blog for interested parties that have been following my fossicking of (extensive) WWII ~ Far North Qld Australia . This area has been described in r

  1. #351


    Interesting that " Kessel " has just found an exact same canteen cup as I found in my hunt here in Far North Queensland ~ Australia ~

    Even the same Blue ~

    Proves the case for an Australian Digger returning to Australia after the North African campaign with a German canteen cup ~

    kurland kessel

  2. #352


    Just gets better

    I browse the Militaria section of EBay and like the Enfield clip I came across anther item "we " have been discussing as above ~

    It is called ~ Kempthorne No.2 Signal Torch

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  3. #353


    I just had a momentary flash ~ NO PUN intended but I was just looking at the Kempthorne Torch and realised that the item I described several weeks back , as a starter switch for a Willey's Jeep ~

    Is or was in fact the top switch plate for this torch ~

    Phew~ I got away clean with that call !! LOL

  4. #354


    Saturday started out totally foul ~ and I even rang Ed told him, I was out of the Hunt for the day ~

    But when he announced he would do it alone I told him I would be there ~

    As I headed for his place, the blue skies started to peak here and there ~ By the time we got on site it was looking more optimistic by the minute ~ By 11.00 it all but total blue skies ~

    In my haste as I had woken up at 05.30 after sacking out at midnight ~ I was in brain blur ~ and left the mobile phone and the camera ~

    I headed straight back to the fire pit ~ No Rising Suns this trip and a mixed bag ~ but the best find was by Ed when he found a USA 13 star button and a .30 calibre shell ~ which vies well for the presence of US forces once again ~

    But what started out looking extremely grim day turned out a great Hunt again ~

    A 1944 King George VI penny

    A 1938 King George VI 1/2 penny ~ intriguing as it has King George VI on the flip side not King George V

    A 1942 Three pence

    A Brass Blitz door handle mount (?)

    A 303 brass barrel cleaning drop weight rod.. (makes about 20 I have now ! )

    The top brass tap / hose coupling was a brilliant signal and I dug to China for it ! LOL

    The old 1960/70s style V sinker was an interesting find~

    Ed had another good day with a few coins and a range of webbing buckles plus several large great coat AMF buttons ~

    One of the spoons is the first one I have ever dug with a Military engraving ~ With the Dept of Defence logo ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  5. #355


    Did a usual Mid week Hunt as is a regular event with our three man team ~ This time only two of us fronted up ~

    I really should have stayed in bed~ as was to prove the point on Thursday when the loogie came back and bit me severely ~

    Anyway, we rendezvoused around 09.00am but had a set back when my car battery went toes ~ well it is five years old and we have had a lot of very cold days and nights here. Fortunately Terry was able to drive me to town to pick up a new battery ~

    So by the time we rigged up it was 10.00. This is a totally new site for us. An old bloke who told of Yanks and Diggers being present 1942 and 1943 put Terry onto it. Moreover, of recent we have found evidence of US forces on the Tablelands. And even Warren at NQ Explorers said to me, there are dozens of untapped sites around. Just finding them is the challenge ~

    The catch on this one the camp is set against a mountain and the area prone to severe flooding in the wet season ~ As I suggested maybe we would be better off water wading down stream at the local river estuary outlet at say Innisfail ~ LOL (Bloody cynics!)

    So off we go ~ not looking good early on ~ Some real hard territory here with deep scoured creeks and thick rainforest~ A lot of trash and rubbish too ~

    While finds were not abundant, we certainly found evidence of US presence, and we have worked out a general layout and already chalked up a return date with the three of us going along! However, we may have to include a brush cutter in our team kit!

    However, I dug my first ever USA forces webbing buckle; a Officers great coat I think (?) Plus a .30 shell rimless cartridge vie well the presence of the US Army! Plus a mystery silver spoon ~ the hall mark I have not totally identified.

    [CENTER]Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Some ' modern' Trash

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    The Hallmark (??)

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery  
    Last edited by AT P Sweep; 09-13-2014 at 04:29 AM.

  6. #356


    Well finally, on the road to recovery now and sadly back to work on Monday morning early ~ real early like 01.00 Hrs!

    Well last week just as I was going down hill, folding under the dreaded loogie ~ (which I might add is the first time I have had a full-blown cold or flu in over 12 years! Probably goes some way to explaining why it hit me so hard~ ??) Anyway three of us revisited the new site ~ Well ~ one of our new sites ~

    I suddenly got the jitters after talking to the property owner's wife, Sarah and the stories from Terry out eldest team member who has been bitten twice by snakes! In addition, the media up here as usual are warning folks about the warm Spring weather, emerging snakes and their mating season!

    Sarah was telling me she recently was sent packing by a small Tiapan ( 12 inches in old money~ 3 cm) which attacked er ~

    She closed the fly screen door but he snake attacked the fly screen. She had a pan of boiling water on the stove so she threw that over it and of course that finished him ~ But she had done the same thing previously with a larger one and while it did not peel over it was not happy and left!

    But worse still ~ she and Terry talk about chest high attacks ~ Well I am as nervous as a virgin bride by now !

    So we rigged up complete with gaiters and head out. Where do I end up ~ in the middle if the &^((&( rain forest ! The area is clearly re-growth but I persevere ~ for NO reward.

    Ed announces he has found a pocket watch! Terry and I are running lean ~ No snakes ~ Terry finds a 'US' badge!

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    So after a few frustrating hours we break for Smoko and then change the areas ~

    Again I am in the forest ~ and on a supposed path used by soldiers to access the near by swimming hole! I hit multiple targets and spend about 45 minutes digging through a tangle of rain forest floor on a 40 deg slope!

    By 15.00 hrs we decide to call it a day ~ and decide to come back in say four weeks after the harvest ~

    (*Then given we are satisfied with the results we anticipate ~ I will do a comprehensive report of the Site. )

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Ironic that I find a 'Legacy' (Support organisation for War Widows) along side of an AIF Officer's cap button!

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  7. #357


    Well had a very early start on our hunt ~ well the earliest yet for us ~ I was up at 06.00 ~ car packed and a quick breakfast and off ~

    Ed and I decided we would do the old favourite site as it never fails to give us some thing ~ but little did we know that today was going to be cracker ~

    Once we made camp, ~ the progress was a little slow! Heaps of trash and iron ~ But I soon picked up a Penny King George VI 1944. Then an Officer's pip a 1928 three pence! Meanwhile Ed was on a run with buttons including AMF.

    10.30 We broke for a cuppa and then headed off to the other side of the site ~ No Snakes !

    Ed headed off and followed about 10 minutes later ~ He was already digging up coins when I arrived ~ He had set his CTX to eliminate iron ~

    Good me as the first thing I hit turned out to be ~ a MAGAZINE for an OWEN GUN~ Woo Hoo ~ pity sad but certainly worth a go at restoring or even cleaning up ~

    Ed kept turning up the coins ~ I then found seven AMF buttons in one spot ~ Seems some bloke had dumped his coat and bolted ~

    I found a mystery item again ~

    But a great outing for the first day of recovery ~

    The magazine is soaking in rust remover ~

    Cleaned up the coins ~ Superb ~ not so the 1944 penny though ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Bren gun V Owen gun

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Training with Owen Gun Atherton tablelands Far North QLD 1943

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Aust WAC'S training with Ownen Guns~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    The glass piece is intriguing ~ Suggested it maybe part of a Search light lens ????

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Ed's Lot ~ uncleaned ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    I flamed the Officer's pip as it was bent, and lightly buffed it then a light polish with a tooth brush

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Silver coins polished

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Buttons cleaned ~ intriguing as the seven (fore ground) were all within a metre of each other but the soil was either coarse sandy or slimy black mud ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  8. #358


    First time I have tried this technique ~

    Much cleaner ~ to coin a phrase ~ then acid or other insidious techniques !

    Threw in the Mystery projectile as well ~ But even though it is responding well as can be expected any head stamp does not appear to be present ~ But then do projectiles ever have ahead stamp anyway ~

    But first run in the electrolysis vat shows specks of bright green paint !?

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  9. #359


    Its a great method huh mate,just watch out from the gas!

  10. #360


    Okay ~ the magazine is as good as we can expect

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

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