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Australian WWII - Far North Queensland Metal detecting and recovery

Article about: Hi Blokes ~ I am posting this as an going blog for interested parties that have been following my fossicking of (extensive) WWII ~ Far North Qld Australia . This area has been described in r

  1. #1021


    I found a same item on a web listing ~

    Any one know what else was in there apart from < 25% > Carbon Tetrachloride ?

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Research tells us that these were made in abundance and supplied to Military for ground forces and Air force application!

    Vintage 1 Qt. Brass FIRE-GUN No. 0 Fire Extinguisher | #1853039126

  2. #1022


    Sunday ~

    Up at 06:30 ~ seems I am now sliding in to a cycle of sleeping 6-7 hours and Body says "Okay! That will do!"

    Dwayne and I agreed to a mid morning hunt ~ early on the morning ~ mountain high drizzle and rain with wind gusts~ Did not look good at all~

    But we agreed to meet up at around 09:30 ~ So I headed off ~

    I got to the site and it was blowing hard again ~ Thank goodness for trees ~ and wind breaks ~

    As anticipated it was pretty well sheltered with a temp of around 20 Deg ~ and headed into yet another new area ~

    This time I made sure I was lathered in Bushman's Red as last week I totally neglected to I got HAMMERED by March Flies ~

    They are CRUEL~ and a week later I am still inflicted with welts and insane itching! There are two pestilent in this game ~ Duck lice and March Flies! Bloody Cruel!~

    DM reported early that there was plenty of evidence of Interlopers but ironically he soon came back (via radio) to report that they had missed a collar Rising Sun in the middle of their scratching ~

    I headed south ~ No evidence of Interlopers and diggings ~ LOTS of signal but proved to be Bloody water bungs ~ and lot so of ferrous detritus including Brass off cuts.. But I did manage a Collar Rising Sun ~

    Lots ~ Lots of concrete slabs and terraces up the face the Hill ~ and serious drainage trenches and even concrete drainage structures.. This was a serious camp site and large ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery


    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    We broke fro Smoko round 13:00 and agreed to stay on site till game done for the Day !

    As I suggested ~ having a slow day break for Smoko and your fortune will turn around ~ Well sure worked for DM as he had couped almost a Full hand by day's end with only a Florin missing from his Hand !

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Meanwhile SS never saw a single coins ~ Life is a real Bitch ! ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    We plugged on until around 15:30 and returned back to base to be greeted by Robert and Puppy ~ They came out for a drive and a look at the day's Offerings ~

    Dwayne's scores ~ almost a full hand ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Home by 16:45 ~ Great day ~ and prefect weather by day's end ~

    Additionally I offered to supply DM with a Mk Vii Drill round he wanted to complete his Drill round relic piece ~ i was not really expecting a trade but was pleasantly well pleased when he gave me three fifty Cal shells cases FA 34 ~ (Frankford Arsenal)

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    What makes these special is the fact that Dwayne found these near an airfield site now defunct ~ and we debated the issue with Robert and we agreed these cases were in fact ~ “fired in Anger” ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    The B17s of the USAF based in 1942 would depart the air field and fly to Port Moresby ~ arm and then fly onto Rabaul attacking the Japanese ~ before returning to home bases ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Tableland's based USAAF B17 1942-43

    Mostly the crews would we believe evict the excess spent casings on the return trip, ( which mostly lay on the floors of the fuselage ~ ) But inevitably many casings were removed form the aircraft on landing at the home base ! ~ Then would be removed to a dispersal ~ dump area !

    So we agree these shell casings were fired in Anger !! Works for me ~

    Another great day ~

  3. #1023


    The Base section proved to be a Bofors Anti-aircraft gun ~

    Made in Tasmania~ Ammunition Factory Derwent Park (MD) – Derwent Park, Tasmania. Manufactured cartridge cases and 2-inch mortar shells.[4]

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Comparing the 40 mm Bofors base and shell case ~ to the Two Pdr. shell base and case in tact
    Bofors Rack ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery


    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery


    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  4. #1024


    Windy yet again Thursday morning ~ rained all night at our place if only lightly ~

    Another lazy Start as Robert was intending to do Business in town first ~

    So we agreed to meet at 10:00 ~ Rallied up at 09:30 and away ~ very cool.

    Geared up and headed off ~ I set up the Garrett for Robert with a harness and showed him some more features of the ATP ~

    I soon tired of digging brass junk and even 303 casings ~

    ( I have reset the Nox to Factory Presets and modified again with assist from Mate Ocker ~ who talked about modifying to "Gold clusters" ~)

    I kept slogging on and as I had planned ~ to push a plan regarding the extreme sections ~

    The instant I left theI hit a large high tone spot!

    It was hole filled literally with 25 Pdr. Primers. (MkII ~ the early version of the Primers)

    Every primer had been fired ~ ALL Misfires and later tested and again established a "Duds" !

    I filled my pouch and called on Robert ~ and we agreed to meet up at the “camp site “ for a Smoko and assess what I have found ~

    I actually struggled back to the boat! (Turned out there was a total of Sixty Five~ )

    Robert dug a Butcher's hatchet and I found the log Splitter~ Robert took them both home ~ for "restoration" !

    It is the second Splitter I found of late ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    We recharged and headed back the hole to revere the Primers.. Grand total <60> ~

    We ploughed on and headed to the high ground where we found more terraces and several obvious gun pits and platforms~ the first was quite the refined construction.

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    So Hard to capture ~ But this area is yet another terrace gun position on the top of the hill! The area is proliferated with signals some of dubious content but a signal regardless ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    I was digging a rubbish pit and then Robert ~ rude Barstard ~ decided to scan within centimeters of me and he dug this ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    First time I have seen ne in MD ~ A 25 Pdr. shell case ~ top is severely damaged ~ but

    Hey ~ good for him ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    More remnants of the Rubbish Pit! Robert took the peg home!

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Found more evidence of Another Gun pit ~ most likely a training MG/ Bren protective circle position ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Puppy was struggling as she has a sore hip and decided to pursue some wild life ~ so struggled ~ but hey she did not complain ~ Not a young pup any more !

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    We worked our way back to the Camp ~ I came across this Ripper ~ AMOR SYDNEY ~ Amazing condition!

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    I took 31 Home ~ Robert found several more and ended up with 34 Primers... Anyone in the market for 25 Pdr. Primers - fired ~ Al the chicken scratching intact ~ Almost all dated 1942 ~

    The large ring is a off cut of a 25 Pdr. shell case ~ I had to dig to Taiwan or that ~ an amazing signal too ~ absolutely heaps of signals ~ Heaps of trash ~ But the age old question To dig or Not to Dig!?

    No coins ~ or silvers!

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery


    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery


    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery



    ( Funny ~ How Women are ~ last trip she adored the clips of SMLE 303 rounds in the clips and today turned the nose up on the Primers. ~ LOL )

    A great day ~ Plan is to head back `


  5. #1025


    Update ~

    Fossick #464 ~ Ms M decided to take upa hunt outing with me ~ I figured ti would be a short affair and we only managed a couple of Hours ~ we then went to visit Roberto and he showed us his relics of late and introduced Ms m to hsihumbla abode ~ great day out ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Ribert's share of the 25 Pdr. (inert / Dud) primers ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    The 25 Pdr. Shell case we previously found ~ the case was badly damaged so Rob machined it off ~

    Rob also found a Butcher's Chopper n our previous Hunt and he cleaned it up and replaced the hardwood handle ~ I would sssshave myself with the blade now ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    My two hours hunt ~ The flat piece right is a Fuze guard for a 25 Pdr 113 Smoke shell~ sadly the Diggers flattened it and beyond saving ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Middle piece is a lower section cut off of a Two Pdr. shell ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Clean up of the couple of other relics ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian Two Pdr. Gun at Tobruk North Africa 1941

  6. #1026


    The Water tap restoration

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

  7. #1027


    Fossick #465

    Decided to try something different and went into an area where I knew there may be other Interlopers ~

    I had not even rigged up when a solitary figure appeared some 20 M away from the Bush ~ turned out to be my former MD mate ~ Ed.

    We greeted and chewed the fat for a bit and then he headed off ~

    I then turned to get ready and Blow me down here is another block ~ We greet and chew the fat ~ All three os by the way are sporting a Equinox 800~ Stiff competition ~

    He shows me his Shell case off cuts and a NSW Beer bottle he heads off ~ turned out to be Ed's latest partner !

    So I head into the bush and was not long before I could hear a Metal detector. I ignored the racket he was creating for around 20 minutes but did to see him or her.

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    I persevered for about 45 minutes with little reward and then decided bugger this ~ too crowded ~ so I headed back to the transport and decided to move camp ~

    I moved to the sit that I found the first Sam Brown Buckle ~ I took the Op to take that classic Smoko ~ to shift the Luck !

    It worked as soon as i packed up the Esky ~ I found an Officer's Pip, no more than couple of strides from my camp chair!

    I pressed on with some finds ~ nothing outstanding ~ I did find a small rectangular brass plate with a single hole in one end! The alarm bells were instant~ seen this before ~

    I sent a couple of hours before calling it a day ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Clean up~ including the rectangular tag

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Potential Diggers withe same serial number (less the Prefix letters.)

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    2/4th Batt diggers on PArade ~1944

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Last edited by AT P Sweep; 10-14-2019 at 03:03 AM.

  8. #1028


    Fossick #466

    Same site ~ cruised the area and a few misc smalls including a Two Pounder 'bull nose" solid shot which I Had to dig to Taiwan for !! So it was going home with me regardless ~

    After Smoko ~ I came across a large signal which as I dug I had NO idea what the shape revealed

    Turned into a "Pressure lantern " ~ some what worse for wear but still an unusual large relic ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    It was approaching `14:30 ~ and the mercury was climbing ~ I wanted to reach a specific area to check out ~ but I had barely walked three paces when I had a huge signal ~ despite a ferrous over tone.

    I was soon obvious that this was steel box ~ I used my pick to expose 90^ of the container and endeavour to remove for the hole ~ By now the temperature was rising and ironically the spot was totally exposed to direct Sunlight,

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Fluids soon ran out ~and I had to take breaks to cool down but I was not giving in ~ Even ,y trusty spade gave in and the shaft snapped levering the base ~

    Finally ~ I enlarged the right sude enough to get a lever under the clasps and i forced open the lid ~ I was disappointed to find it was filled with unusual fine soil~ I scraped the soil out hoping to find treasure but tu was not to be ~

    As soon as I removed the soil I found the chest was almost immediately free and I soon had it out of the hole ~ By no the clock was ticking loudly and it was till Bloody hot and ver huid ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    I staggered off carrying the booty I had found ~ and the lantern inside the container. ( In fac as i headed home!

    It was pretty late for one of my hunts ~ (at least I had the prudence to advise Ms M I was very late) ~ as I headed home at 16:40 and the temperature was still 32 Deg.

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australia ~ Flash ~

    The Primer 25 Pdr. demonstrates how a Primer should look after being fired ~ with the cover imploded. Initially the cover xplodes outward ~ convex~ and when the main charge explodes launching the projectile from the barrel the cover is then returned to a concave position ~

    I was totally Knackered after this outing ~ Ms M insists ~ "You may think you are still 25 ~ SS ~ But your"e NOT ~~~ you are WAY past that marker post !!!!!!!"

  9. #1029


    Fossick #467

    Another hunt ~ wrm days dry as ~ little breeze ~

    Usual Start ~ Solo hunt ~ off Siders either u availabelor off colour ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Yet one more Dug out . Gun pit used in training ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    I dug some Four tin cups ~ all well past their use by date

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Big day on cutlery ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    A Sunbaker (Hat) rising Sun

    A Great Britain General service belt buckle ~ searched wide for the other half no luck yet ~ ) Also suggested it is the same as a Scout's buckle ~

    The Brown piece appears to be a Keater tip forma Knife or bayonet Scabbard ~ it has a metalsleath inside.

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    The cable piece is a damaged double springed watch band.

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    1921 KGV Six pence ~ a 1941 Three pence~ 1944 KGVI Penny ~

    The unusual Button (right) is a German Army Zeltbahn standard issue Button. Only suggest it was bought back form North Africa !

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Badge included the rear pins and the split pin ~ G Luke Melb

    Final clean up and some earlier items ~

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    Australian  WWII - Far North  Queensland Metal detecting and  recovery

    A Great day ~


  10. #1030


    I take my hat off to you for persevering in those high temperatures. Much cooler and damper in the Northern hemisphere here abouts! Loving your finds, a site that keeps giving for sure, but you have to work hard for the treasure!

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