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Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

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  1. #401

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Back on topic: It is threads like this that make this forum interesting. Thank you for sharing pictures of your great collection!

  2. #402

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Andy, I would expect that the current and past projects have been analysed and fully recorded within the appropriate sytems by both Karol and Max and their colleagues, I can understand Karol's anger at the Norwegian Gov't not paying for their repatriation but he and Max appear to have done absolutely amazing work on recovering the dead of both sides. Karol's project was with a university.
    In my earlier post, I shoud not have included my own opinion of how I feel about disposing of certain human remains, which was my error, as pointed out by several people on this thread.

    The point is that if Max or Karol and their colleagues had not spent so much time and effort to travel to Karelia and recover the bodies, then both history and science would have lost out. Karelia is the great opporunity to examine bodily remains in situ and actually see how modern warfare can be so damaging. I imagine that people n the west might find the guys attempts to record the funds amateurish but like Max said in an early post - how do you travel 15 miles to an outpost and then do your work and expect to take back any finds. Max's photos are amazing, as well as Karol's as they reflect their own eyeball view of what they see,not the sanitized version of allied photos in the second world war where all the heads were edited out.

  3. #403

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Quote by Steve T View Post
    You are making an idiot of yourself and I respectfully request you stop filling this thread up with self opinionated nonsense.
    Steve T
    Many thanx Steve.
    It is difficult to speak with people who don't understand all about digging.



  4. #404

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Some new photos for friends
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)   Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)  

    Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)   Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)  

    Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)   Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)  

    Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)   Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)  

    Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)   Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)  

  5. #405

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Steve T,

    I have raised an issue which had been brought up earlier with no obvious conclusion. I raised them in two additions to this thread, the second of which was in reply to another member.

    Your comments were quite rude and condescending, and surely not appropriate for a Moderator to express, in public, and after only two polite entries.


    You have never had contact with me and certainly don't know my experience with digging.

    As far as I'm concerned the matter is finished.


  6. #406

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Dear sirs, I already start to test complexes on some questions. Really, for a wide audience hard mentally to see results of excavation? We in fact have no right to forget our history, excavation-it that tool by means of which the chain of events is built. We start to understand, that the information of Germany and the USSR in archives in some cases is incorrect.
    I inform also the information for all people who reads a forum. The military cemeteries was woods of Karelia 1996-2004, are transferred on official cemeteries of military men, they are protected by the law. All this has made VDK...... And the insane person the idea will not come in a head to profane grave on a memorial.
    I wish to express gratitude to all adequate colleagues!
    To Franz:thanx for e-mail.
    Arktis ist Nicht!

  7. #407

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Quote by andy123 View Post
    Steve T,

    I have raised an issue which had been brought up earlier with no obvious conclusion. I raised them in two additions to this thread, the second of which was in reply to another member.

    Your comments were quite rude and condescending, and surely not appropriate for a Moderator to express, in public, and after only two polite entries.


    You have never had contact with me and certainly don't know my experience with digging.

    As far as I'm concerned the matter is finished.

    Andy the point is that this issue has been discussed before and "has" been brought to a conclusion, so doesn't need to be revisited again and again as already stated. You chose to discuss this in the public domain even though such issues have been advised to members to be discussed via pm with admin / mods, so those replies have also been in the public domain.

    Clearly you believe that to make comments such as grave robbing etc is not rude and insulting to the members who post here, even though most members would view that as not being very "polite " .

    If you have any experience of any Battlefield Archaeology or digging yourself feel free to post them if you wish to continue with this discussion along the lines of your recent posts please do it via pm.

    One thing that we do appear to agree on is that this discussion is over and the matter finished, so please lets move on with the thread.


    The gates of hell were opened and we accepted the invitation to enter" 26/880 Lance Sgt, Edward Dyke. 26th Bn Northumberland Fusiliers , ( 3rd Tyneside Irish )

    1st July 1916

    Thought shall be the harder , heart the keener,
    Courage the greater as our strength faileth.
    Here lies our leader ,in the dust of his greatness.
    Who leaves him now , be damned forever.
    We who are old now shall not leave this Battle,
    But lie at his feet , in the dust with our leader

    House Carles at the Battle of Hastings

  8. #408

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Quote by andy123 View Post
    Steve T,

    I have raised an issue which had been brought up earlier with no obvious conclusion. I raised them in two additions to this thread, the second of which was in reply to another member.

    Your comments were quite rude and condescending, and surely not appropriate for a Moderator to express, in public, and after only two polite entries.


    You have never had contact with me and certainly don't know my experience with digging.

    As far as I'm concerned the matter is finished.


    The question was answered satisfactorily. My reply was perfectly reasonable considering your reaction to the previous moderators reply. You did not appear to listen/want to listen. I therefore had no option but to support my colleague with a strong reply to your own posts.

    The matter is finished with as far as I am concerned.

    Steve T

  9. #409

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Пол,Стив спасибо за поддержку.
    Я хотел бы продолжить нить серией фотографий"Лица смерти"
    Уместно ли это в созданной напряженной ситуации?
    Arktis ist Nicht!

  10. #410

    Default re: Battlefields in North Karelia( SS-Nord Division)

    Maxim !

    Your last post didn't go through the translator

    Steve T

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