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Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

Article about: I wasn,t sure whether to put this in or not but one morning when I went into my toy room (Thats what the wife calls it) there lying on the chair was a Map of Berlin with Hitler on the back o

  1. #61

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Quote by stuka f View Post
    I see you took the dog along!
    Must be the reason, you didn't get bothered...
    It's a wild dog. There are lots of them. I came to steal our food and did a pretty good job The little bugger was fast!

    Regards, Lars

  2. #62

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    I have a story, if you don't mind me sharing it...

    I was detecting in a field very close to a long time military camp here in the UK. There were two fields available to me, both alongside a main road, on a summers day in an area I am completely used to detecting in, so no pre-empt of fear or anything like that. I did an hour on the first field and then decided to move across to the second which I had never yet detected.

    As soon as I stepped on to this field I got the creeps, badly. It seemed more still, oppressive and scary to me. I tried to knock these thoughts out of my mind and decided to detect straight across the field to a hedgerow that bordered the field where a foot path ran. The nearer I got to the hedgerow the more scary and oppressive it looked. I carried on...

    ... But suddenly it was to much... I had to get off the field and I had to do it immediately, so I turned to head back to the other field. The problem was that when I turned my back to that horrid hedgerow the fear became terrifying, and over powering, I had to get off the field and I had to do it now. It was like being chased, hunted, it was horrible and I am in goosebumps all down my neck writing this.

    I got back on the other field and the adrenalin dropped, the fear receded and all was well again, but two more spooky things then happened.

    First I told my parents a day or two later. My mum asked me to describe where it was, and she pointed out that some 10 years previous whilst waiting for a bus there one evening I had come in saying that there was something or someone in the woods behind (which border the aforementioned hedgerow). She was right and I had completely forgotten this until she reminded me.

    Then the bit that freaked me out.

    I went there again to detect probably two years or so later (only on the first field of course) as it was all going under a new road and when I arrived the Police where there with a cordon. I asked why, a number of bodies have been found by the hedgerow I was told. I am surprised they did not arrest me seeing as my face mustve dropped so much! It turned out seven or eight were from the Roman era, the other was much more recent, supposedly a teenager who had been murdered, the feeling of that panic, chase and fear has never left me.

    I was always really skeptical but am now open minded as I have still never seen a ghost. What I can honestly state is that there are things we cannot always explain and my reading more on this has led me to believe that sometimes just like an old photographic negative that can only opaquely be seen, we can sometimes 'see' the past where something emotional happened. A kind of moment in time frozen that is replayed to the right person at the right time (though wrong is perhaps more true!).

    Anyway thats my story and apologies if its a long way from the OP question about Kurland spirits.


  3. #63

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    When I was stationed at Kirton in Lindsey in the 1970's there was the fugure of a WW11 fighter pilot seen on several occasions in the officers mess. It used to be the pilots sleeping quarters in WW11

  4. #64

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Great storys guys , keep them comming I will ad a couple once i get home from work

  5. #65

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Ok,this is something that only my immediate family have ever known, i was sitting at home one xmas eve ,my wife was at church with my two daughters and my two boys were out pubbing it,it was the first xmas that my mum would'nt be with us as she died in the September,i suppose i was feeling a bit low and lonely,as it got to midnight i felt that someone else was in the room with me and it had a calming effect on me i then felt a tug on my sleeve , ithought ihad got caught on the xmas tree that was right beside my chair i then saw that our dog was restless and was starting to pace around the floor and was very alert, her ears rose up as if hearing something and so i got up to see if there was something wrong , she stopped pacing ,stood still and was looking to my side, i then felt another tug on my sleeve and looked down to see the material being pulled outwards ,it fair made me jump but for some reason i said hello mum an then felt another tug and this time it was more forceful ,i later told the family.

  6. #66
    AIF is offline

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Quote by HPL2008 View Post
    Let me add another true story from my family.

    When I was still a boy, my grandfather told me that the night his brother was killed in action on the Eastern Front, their mother had a particularly vivid dream about him.

    She dreamt that she heard a noise in the hallway. When she went to look what it was, she saw her son, slowly walking upstairs, dressed in his full uniform with greatcoat and pack. When she addressed him - saying something about how she hadn't known he would be coming home - he halted his steps for a moment and turned to face her, silently, his face a ghostly pale and with a look of infinite sadness in his eyes, before continuing upstairs and vanishing from sight.

    At that point, she woke up with a start and knew, knew for certain and without a shadow of doubt, that he was dead.

    Sure enough, the telegram would arrive soon thereafter.

    I know that my grandfather did not make this up, as that was just not the kind of thing he would do.

    Apart from that, I do not make any claims about this story's significance. Depending on one's beliefs, one may consider this the simple coincidence of a nightmare and an event, or a case of telepathic connection or an actual ghost sighting.

    All I know is that it sent a chill down my spine when I heard it. Still does when I think about it now and then.
    Great story and really eerie... something similar happened to me about 7 years ago, Although not WW2 or digging related... I was working on the farm and heading back to the truck so I could go up to the shed to have lunch (It was around 11:45am) when I heard a strange voice in my head say "Pops dead" I thought WTF? That was really weird, I'm not one to hear voices... Anyway The thought stuck in my head for the rest of the day. When I got home in the afternoon my cousin was waiting for me out the front of my place and says I have some bad news for you... To which I replied Pops dead isn't he? He said yes how did you know, and I just told him I had a weird feeling this morning so I asked him what time and what had happened he said he had a heart attack around 11:45 and they couldn't revive him... That kind of creeped me out and It was really weird I don't know what the voice was or why It happened, maybe it was him saying goodbye, who knows but ever since then I'm not so sceptical when hearing people share their paranormal stories.

    Cheers Luke.

  7. #67
    AIF is offline

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Great stories guys!! I love reading things like this, feel free to share some more with us

    I know their are sceptics out there who dismiss stories like these and that is their opinion and they are free to have it. But strange things like these have been happening since the dawn of mankind. Some times you can put it down to peoples minds playing tricks on them and they think they see or felt something which they didn't while other people just like to tell tall tales down at the pub... But other times not, having experienced things like this and knowing other people who have as well that have no reason to make stories up... I think there must be something to it, maybe some people are just more in touch with things like this while others are oblivious.

    ...Just my 2 cents

  8. #68

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    I am a big sceptic when it comes to paranormal stuff. I don't believe in ghosts, dark energy, or any other entities. My dad is an even bigger sceptic then me, at least he was until about 2 years ago.

    My dad runs a medical practice in Hickory, NC, where he works with two other doctors. One day one of the doctors called in sick, so my dad had to stay at work a little later to make up for the absent one. All the nurses went home at 5:00 as usual. At 6:30 it was dark outside and my dad was still there, by himself. He was sitting in the front office making some copies when he happened to look up and saw a figure walk past the other end of the hallway, that led to the front office. He said it went by so fast that he only saw what he believed was the left arm, the right leg, and the back of the head. Since the hallway was dark, he couldn't make out any details. Whatever it was, he said, it had a shadow. Right when he saw it, chills ran up his spine, and he just froze. After a few moments, he got up the courage to move, grabbed a pen to defend himself, and started walking down the same hall toward his office to see what it was. He rounded the corner and nobody was there. He checked every single examination room, they were all empty. He turned on all the lights and walked around the office twice and couldn't find a soul. The next day he asked all his employees what time they had went home, they all said that they went home at 5PM.

    A few weeks later two nurses were working in the Nurse's station after dark, when everybody else had already left. As they were sitting at their desk, both of them heard at the same time, one of the nurses' names called in a clear voice. It sounded as if the voice was directly behind them, but when they turned around nobody was there. They were so frightened that they left immediately, without turning off the computers or throwing away their drinks. They told my dad about it the next day.

    My dad is a really serious guy, and when he told me those stories he looked me right in the eyes. I knew for a fact that he believed them to be real.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Not to be insulting or anything, but... "grabbed a pen to defend himself "...? Uhh....okey. I can see the burglars now: "Oh my God! Drop the Morphine!! He's got a Parker!! Runnn for it! Save yourself!! "...

    "Much that once was, is lost. For none now live who remember it."

  10. #70

    Default Re: Unusual question: is there paranormal activity in Kurland?

    Quote by Wagriff View Post
    Not to be insulting or anything, but... "grabbed a pen to defend himself "...? Uhh....okey. I can see the burglars now: "Oh my God! Drop the Morphine!! He's got a Parker!! Runnn for it! Save yourself!! "...
    lol, it was between that or a paperclip

    Seriously though, they have had break ins there before. One time some guy threw a brick through the window and stole the tv out of the waiting room. Another time somebody stole a wheelchair.

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