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Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol

Article about: Below is a thread dedicated to the Creation and Design of the SA Symbol Runes..that is seen on the top part of the SA Dagger grip. ( Special thanks to Stefan,,Wilhelm Saris and HPL2008 "

  1. #1

    Default Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol

    Below is a thread dedicated to the Creation and Design of the SA Symbol Runes..that is seen on the top part of the SA Dagger grip.

    ( Special thanks to Stefan,,Wilhelm Saris and HPL2008 "Andreas" )

    The symbol was the old Teutonic sign for lightning together with the so-called
    "Mannrune" (the symbol of a stern and unbending man with a flaming sword).
    Both symbols were combined with a ring. Later the hook to connect both was

    Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol

    Translation : "How the SA-civilian insignia came to be. (From an illustrated report in the magazine "Der SA-Mann", no. 15/1936.) Originating from an idea contest announced in 1929 by the then-Supreme SA Command, the SA civilian insignia was created from the so-called Siegrune - the ancient Germanic symbol for lightning - combined with a second component, the so-called Mannrune, the rune for the "me". These symbols - the symbol for the sparking word, with which the enemies of the idea are hit and the symbol of the upright, indomitable man - were connected by a ring (unity of these two ideas). The arrangement of the runes was done in such a way that the two letters S and A are recognizable in them. Later on, the addition of a tick made the A even more clearly recognizable. The design was a joint submission by Standartenführer Hans Zöberlin (author of the book "Der Glaube an Deutschland") and the now-commander of Sturmbann II of Standarte "List", Munich, Obersturmbannführer Max Zankl."

    Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol

    and the design below

    Creation and Design of the SA Runes Symbol
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

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  3. #2


    This is very interesting. As a graphic designer myself, I'd love to learn out more about the thinking behind the designs that make up Third Reich political and military insignia. Thanks for posting!
    All the best,

  4. #3


    The German eye for appealing and dynamic graphics is exemplified throughout the spectrum of 3rd Reich artifacts. "Art of the Third Reich" by Peter Adams is a noteworthy book about this period/genre.

  5. #4


    Quote by prussianbunker View Post
    Very interesting document
    Yea Im glad the Gents at the "Other Forum " thought it was useful also
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  6. #5


    Thank you for share this with us Larry! The sa rune is one of the many beautiful details of the dagger. every detail of this type of dagger has been carefully chosen and each component looks awesome. This is exactly the reason why I collect this type of daggers en study it.

  7. #6


    Extremely interesting��Thank you,Larry

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