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ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

Article about: Hi all- I have what I believe to be a katana Japanese officers sword. My dad was a 19 year old grunt in the South Pacific in 1945, and was one of the troops that entered Japan after the surr

  1. #1

    Default ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    Hi all-

    I have what I believe to be a katana Japanese officers sword. My dad was a 19 year old grunt in the South Pacific in 1945, and was one of the troops that entered Japan after the surrender. I'm not sure if he picked this up there, though that is my hunch. It was hanging on our wall(s) since I can remember.

    However, he did serve in Korea later as a general's aide-de-camp, and I would think it's possible he got it there. I have no idea as to the details; he passed away 4 years ago.

    I have no knowledge about Japanese swords, and am curious about what this really is. Is it hand-made, machine-made, the swordmaker, etc.

    I attached some photos (I hope not too many!) from a couple times that I attempted to photograph the sword. From the little research I've done online, it seems the key things are the hamon and the characters on the tang. Getting the tang was hard, so I can can give it another try for better lighting and less depth of field.

    Anyway, this seems like the best forum online, and I wondered if anyone has any thoughts on this sword, based on these photos...?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?   ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?  

    ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?   ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?  

    ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?   ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?  

    ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?   ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?  

  2. #2

    Default Re: ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    its going for 150,000 i think on ebay now

  3. #3

    Default Re: ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    150$ or 150.000$ ?

  4. #4

    Default Re: ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    Hi Bassist , you have a very nice Kaigunto (naval ) sword with a super looking blade which has what looks to be a silver Habaki . The scabbard is typical naval having two hanger rings ( shin gunto or army swords only have one ) it also has the nice sun ray pattern to the tsuba handguard ) fittings which is also typical of naval swords and the dark blue rayskin under the handle wrapping is another naval trait , a nice example . It`s a shame you don`t know where your dad aquired it .

    We are the Pilgrims , master, we shall go
    Always a little further : it may be
    Beyond that last blue mountain barred with snow
    Across that angry or that glimmering sea...

  5. #5

    Default Re: ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    Thanks Alan As you can see, I never got a notification that you had replied to my post, and due to the nature of the first 2 responders I was turned off and did not return here. I just got an inquiry as to whether I was interested in selling the sword; I am curious as to its real value.

    Thanks so much for your legit reply and knowledge, I appreciate it It helps shine more detail on what it is. Unfortunately with my father gone and my mother in a dementia ward, I have no way of knowing how/where he got it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    The blade appears to be a hand made war time blade. I can tell more if you post a full length picture of the sword tang in a vertical position with the end toward the cutting edge towards the top of the picture. It would also help to have the length of the cutting edge.


  7. #7

    Default Re: ww2 japanese sword- any thoughts?

    Hi Bob-

    That's good to know, but unfortunately I am traveling and the sword is at a friends far I won't be able to to do any new photos of it until November or so. But I will, when I am able!


  8. #8


    This was a difficult one as I do not normally translate old swords.

    For the left column, I have the following with the exception of the last character.
    寛文三年二代家忠 = 1663 2nd Generation Ietada X.

    Guy, care to tackle the right column?

  9. #9


    Quote by Kiipu View Post
    Guy, care to tackle the right column?
    Hi Kiipu.

    I accepted the challenge ...

    The final kanji is easy to read mei, engraved name.

    1. I think the mystery kanji is for 無銘 [unsigned]

    Oya Munechika, Mumei
    Parent [founder] Munechika Unsigned.

    Markus Sesko, in his seminal Japanese Swordsmiths, writes about "Oya" used by the smith Kanesada:

    • The 1st gen. Kanesada is also referred to as Oya-Kanesada (親兼定, lit. “parent Kunisada”).

    2. An alternate thought is that the mystery kanji could be 再銘 saimei [renamed].
    However, the kanji looks too much like 無.

    Sesko shows the use of saimei with a different smith, Masakiyo:
    MASAKIYO (正清), Kyōhō (享保, 1716-1736), Satsuma – “Kiyomitsu” (清盈), “Kiyomitsu [single-leaf aoi crest] aratameru Mondo no Shō Fujiwara Masakiyo saimei” (清盈・改主水正藤原正清再銘, “Kiyomitsu – once again signed by Mondo no Shō Fujiwara Masakiyo after the change of name”),

    3. I think the left column ends with:
    Nidai Ietada Kitae Kore
    [or as Nick used to do to us, putting it in the spoken version using Japanese grammar: "Nidai Ietada ga kore wo Kitaemashita"] (^__^)
    Forged by the second generation Ietada

    Of course there are only hints of [kitae] at the bottom of the hikae mekugi-ana (控え目釘穴 reserve pin-hole) .... and it may not be 鍛 at all... but it definitely is *not* 作.

    -- Guy

  10. #10


    Quote by ghp95134 View Post
    [or as Nick used to do to us, putting it in the spoken version using Japanese grammar]
    Oh no! Not the dreaded kanbun 漢文.
    About the correct translation of certain sword signatures

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