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Order of the Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery

Article about: Award Card Order Booklet 353538 1. Last name: Chernyavskii 2. Name and patrionymic: Mikhail Lukyanovich 3. Rank: Reserve Guards Junior Sergeant 4. Gender: Male 5. Birthyear: 1913 6. Birthpla

  1. #1

    Default Order of the Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery

    Award Card

    Order Booklet 353538

    1. Last name: Chernyavskii
    2. Name and patrionymic: Mikhail Lukyanovich
    3. Rank: Reserve Guards Junior Sergeant
    4. Gender: Male
    5. Birthyear: 1913
    6. Birthplace: UkSSR, Nikolaev Oblast, Varvarovskii Region, village of Petrovo-Solonikh
    7. Party membership: since 1943
    8. Education: mid-level
    9. Nationality: Ukrainian
    10. Time in Red Army: November 1939 to October 1945
    11. Place of service at awarding: Data Compiler – Reconnaissance Artillery Battalion, 24 Independent (?) Artillery Brigade
    12. Place of work at present: Varvarovskii Region, Shurinskii Selsovet - Teacher
    13. Home address: UkSSR, Nikolaev Oblast, Varvarovskii Region, Shurinskii Selsovet, 14 Anniversary of October St.

    14. Awards:
    Designation Serial Number Awarding Organization

    Combat Service Medal 149.666 Voronezh Front dated 4 December 1943

    Defense of Moscow Medal Edict dated 1 May 1944

    Red Star 1.289.191 Reconnaissance Artillery Battalion dated 22.2.45

    Verified by Varvarovskii Regional Military Commissariat Major Nikolenko on 10 January 1946

    Unit Award Order


    24 Independent Guards Kiev Red Banner Artillery Brigade, Commander-in-Chief Reserve Order 03/N dated 22 February 1945

    On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, I award the following decorations for exemplary accomplishment of the Command’s missions in the struggle against the German invaders and for having displayed valor and bravery:

    Order of the Red Star to:

    25. Guards Corporal Chernyavskii, Mikhail Lukyanovich – Topographer, 1 Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery, Red Banner Artillery Battalion

    Signed Commander, 24 Independent Guards Kiev Red Banner Artillery Brigade, CINC Reserve, Guards Colonel Brozgol

    Award Sheet

    1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Chernyavskii, Mikhail Lukyanovich
    2. Rank: Guards Corporal
    3. Duty position: Topographer– 1 Sound-Ranging Battery, Red Banner Intelligence Battalion, 24 Guards Red Banner Kiev Independent Artillery Brigade, Commander-in-Chief Reserve
    Recommendation for the Order of the Red Star
    4. Born: 1913, UkSSR Nikolaev Oblast, Varvarovskii Region, village of Petrovo-Solokhin
    5. Nationality: Ukrainian
    6. Party membership: since 1943
    7. Previous combat: since 1941 near Moscow, Bryansk, Voronezh, 1 and 4 Ukrainian Fronts
    8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
    9. In Red Army: since 1939
    10. Inducted by: Lenin Regional Military Commissariat, Kiev
    11. Previous awards: Combat Service medal by Voronezh Front 4.2.43
    12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

    Comrade Chernyavskii has been on the Front since 1941. He has been continuously positioned in front-line units, determining the position of enemy firing positions. During the Patriotic War Comrade Chernyavskii has participated in discovering 869 enemy targets while displaying exemplary bravery and courage.

    For example near Kalenov on 24.9.44 the Central Telephone Station and Target Center were subjected to enemy artillery shelling. Under ceaseless fire Comrade Chernyavskii continued his work and determined 11 targets, five of which were suppressed by the sound-ranging battery (SRB). While under enemy fire in forward units near Dargov he determined nine targets, four of which were suppressed with the help of the SRB. While under heavy enemy fire near Lyas-Gilevitse Comrade Chernyavskii computed five artillery batteries’ and three independent guns’ locations which were suppressed by our artillery during preparatory fire. In all these situations Comrade Chernyavskii’s contributions enabled the successful advance of our units.

    For major contributions in determining enemy targets and for enabling the successful advance of our infantry units, Comrade Chernyavskii is deserving
    of the Order of the Red Star.

    Signed Commander, Red Banner Intelligence Artillery Battalion, Guards Major Gvozdanninii on 10.2.45

    Endorsed Commander, 24 Independent Guards Kiev Red Banner Artillery Brigade, Guards Colonel Brozgol on 22.2.45

    Awarded the Order of the Red Star according to 24 Independent Guards Kiev Red Banner Artillery Brigade Order 03/N dated 22.2.45, signed Brigade Chief of Staff Guards Major Shilov

    Unit Award Order


    Voronezh Front Order 022/N dated 4 February 1943

    On behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet USSR, I award the following decorations for exemplary accomplishment of the Command’s missions in the struggle against the German invaders and for having displayed valor and bravery:

    Combat Service Medal to:

    6. Corporal Chernyavskii, Mikhail Lukyanovich – Data Interpreter, 399 Independent Army Reconnaissance Artillery Battalion

    Signed Voronezh Front Commander General-Colonel Golikov, Member of the Military Committee General-Lieutenant F. Kuznetsov, Chief of Staff General-Lieutenant Kazakov, and compiled by Chief of Personnel Lieutenant Colonel Antonyuk on 3 February 1943

    Award Sheet

    1. Last name, name, and patrionymic: Chernyavskii, Mikhail Lukyanovich
    2. Rank: Corporal
    3. Duty position: Topographic Service Private – Sound-Ranging Battery, 399 Independent Army Intelligence Artillery Battalion
    Recommendation for the Combat Service Medal
    4. Born: 1913
    5. Nationality: Ukrainian
    6. Party membership: Comsomol
    7. Previous combat: Moscow in 20 Army 1.12.41-1.1.42, Bryansk in 48 Army 6.5.42-8.8.42, Voronezh Front in 38 Army 8.8.42-10.11.42 in 6 Army since 10.11.42
    8. Wounds or shell-shock: n/a
    9. In Red Army: since 1939
    10. Inducted by: Lenin Regional Military Commissariat, Kiev
    11. Previous awards: n/a
    12. Home of record: [trans: entry intentionally obscured]

    Short description of personal combat feat or accomplishment

    Comrade Chernyavskii has worked as the platoon plotter-data compiler in the sound-ranging battery. He is an excellent specialist and well-disciplined soldier. On 16.12.42 our units began their offensive on the southern sector of the 6 Army. To discover enemy artillery batteries in a timely manner, the rapid, accurate work of the sound-ranging platoon was necessary, the responsibility much of which depended on Comrade Chernyavskii. Despite continuous enemy shelling and aerial bombing, Comrade Chernyavskii did not depart his post, personally computing all discovered targets. During the offensive he calculated 65 targets’ coordinates, transmitting the information to the artillerymen of the 1109 Artillery Regiment and Chief of Artillery Battalion 127 HQ.

    On 18.12.42 he adjusted our artillery’s fire against an enemy battery. According to a captured officer’s information the battery was destroyed. Comrade Chernyavskii’s bold, excellent, and accurate combat actions enabled the rapid advance of our infantry. He is morally steadfast. He is dedicated to the Lenin-Stalin Party.

    He is deserving of the Combat Service Medal.
    Signed Commander, 399 Independent Army Intelligence Artillery Battalion, Major Kolchin on 26 December 1942

    Endorsed Front Artillery Commander, General-Major of Artillery Varenpov

    Endorsed Front Commander General-Colonel Golikov, Member of the Military Committee General-Lieutenant F. Kuznetsov, and Chief of Staff General-Major Kazakov on 4 February 1943

    Guards Corporal Chernyavskii, Mikhail Lukyanovich's Order of the Red Star, #1289191. My thanks to Paul Schmitt for his invaluable assistance.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

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    Circuit advertisement Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery
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    Default Re: Order of the Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery

    My thanks to collector colleagues Marc Beoutis and Auke who both provided me with these images of acoustic locator equipment. . .
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery   Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  

    Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery  
    Attached Images Attached Images Order of the  Red Star, #1289191, Sound-Ranging Intelligence Battery 

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